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The Blade sat in the chair behind Rogers with her knees pulled to her chest as she watched the scenery whizz past. She was silent with her helmeted head resting against the window. Rogers slowed to a stop under a bridge, and she shifted as he got out, meeting Agent Carter a few distances from the car.

Bucky winced, shifting his legs beside her. 'Can you move your seat up?'

'No,' Wilson deadpanned back. Bucky looked back at the Blade, who shrugged in reply. They both stared past the front seats to Rogers and Carter, who kissed.

The Blade furrowed her eyebrows. 'Didn't he date her aunt? Your niece or nephew is closer biologically. I get they're technically not blood-related-'

Bucky placed a hand on her knee, and she looked at him. He shook his head subtly, and she closed her mouth. 'You're making it weird,' he whispered.

'It is weird,' she replied at the same level.


Rogers pulled into a parking space inside an airport garage beside a van before the four disembarked the car. The Blade shifted her helmet as she closed the door.

Barton slid out of the van, shaking Rogers' hand. 'Cap.'

'You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice,' Rogers replied.

'Hey man, you're doing me a favour. Besides, I owe a debt.' He looked at the Blade, patting her shoulder.

She winced. 'How angry is she?'

Barton blew out a breath. 'Estella? Don't worry, she's angrier at me.'

The Blade let out a noise of relief.

Wanda stepped out of the van, shrugging at Rogers. 'It was time to get off my ass.'

He looked at Barton. 'How about our other recruit?'

'He's rarin' to go.' He pulled open the door. 'Had to put a little coffee in him, but... he should be good.'

'What timezone is this?'

The Blade tilted her head at the man who stumbled out, his eyes squinting at the sun. She then looked to Sam. 'This is what you recruited? He's tiny.'

Lang didn't seem to hear her and instead focused on Rogers. He clasped his hand and began to shake it vigorously. 'Captain America.'

'Mr. Lang.'

'It's an honour!' He suddenly became aware of his hands. 'I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America.' He looked past his shoulder at the Blade. 'Man, the helmet is scarier in person!'

She saluted in reply. 'That's the point,' she answered, a slight airiness to her drawl.

Lang's eyes flickered to Wanda. 'I know you, too. You're great!' He turned to Rogers. 'Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so... thanks for thinking of me.'

The Blade sighed, rolling her shoulders and turning away. She had to admit she was in the process of second-guessing her decision since Natasha wasn't there. There hadn't really been much they'd disagreed on in the past aside from Oswin's occasional disinterest to look after herself. Since they took down Hydra and Pierce, they'd done a lot together, almost everything. It was only recently that their paths diverged.

Oswin had practically retired after Sokovia, shifting her focus to help train Xander. Part of her was happy to be away from it. Fighting had been a part of her life for as long as she could remember. Taking a break had never occurred to her, but she decided that her brother needed her more. The reawakening of the memories of her twin's death had practically forced her to. She couldn't stand the guilt for the second time.

She needed to be, for Xander, what she never had.

The voices hadn't mellowed in that fact either. Oswin found it hard to work out whether they had become louder since she retired, but they definitely didn't quiet down, that's for sure. They hadn't become more rash or unpredictable, but Oswin herself had. Now, there was a constant pull at her gut, making her impatient and on edge. It was harder to decide what she preferred, the constant screaming in her head or this new, paranoid feeling that turned her feet to lead.

A foreign voice echoing through the speakers broke the Blade from her trance, and she looked up. Turning to the others, she rolled her shoulders. 'They're evacuating the airport,' she translated.

'Stark,' Wilson added, and Lang repeated it in confusion.

Rogers shared a serious look with the Blade. 'Suit up.'

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