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The Blade blinked herself out of a daydream. She stared at the computer due to the voices pilling through her ear. Delving into government organisations was something she spent a lot of time of. And although her equipment was modified and some of the most advanced in her field, but none of it amounted to the power she held while being inside the organisation itself. Clearly Stark had been onto something when he slid the small disk into their systems on the bridge. 

The information portrayed on the screen before her was something else. She never experienced the feeling of being in a candy store as a child but this was something she was sure it felt like. S.H.I.E.L.D was making weapons from the Tesseract? She could do some real damage with that information. 

'Loki means to unleash the Hulk. Keep Banner in the lab, I'm on my way. Send Blade and Thor as well.'

The Hulk?

Oh, deep joy.

I'd rather not die today.

She raised her eyebrow as she reclined against the chair, her hands coming to rest behind her head as she sighed. Remaining still for a moment before she pushed herself to her feet and moved towards the door. She pried it open, letting out a quiet groan before making her way through the corridors.

Romanoff pushed open the door, the Blade and Thor following after. She squinted at the massive weapon that sat on the table before they narrowed. She inclined her head as she moved towards it.

This is so cool!

Can you imagine how much shit we could get away with?

'Did you know about this?' Banner asked, his voice full of accusation, and the Blade turned gently, clenching her fist and preparing to grab her sword.

'You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?' Romanoff asked, lifting her chin as she unknowingly copied the other woman.

'I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed,' he growled as he crossed his arms.

The Blade took a step forward, narrowing her eyes. 'Doctor Banner, Loki's manipulating you.' Her voice was softer but still held the bored drawl as she lifted one of her hands.

'And you've been doing what, exactly?' he shot back harshly, causing both women to raise their chins and harden their eyes.

'You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you,' Romanoff replied stiffly, and the Blade took a small step towards her.

'Yes, and I'm not leaving because you suddenly get a little twitchy-'

Who the Hell does he think he is?


Blood for the Blood God!

Kill him!

'-Twitchy?' the Blade repeated in a low voice. 'Choose your next words carefully, Doctor Banner.'

'Are you threatening me?' he asked incredulously.

'Depends how you want to take it,' she shot back.



Blood! Blood! Blood!

Banner furrowed his eyebrows, gesturing to the weapon on the table with a pen. 'I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.'

DAYWALKER | n.romanoff ✔Where stories live. Discover now