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The Blade shifted as she crouched beside a grey wall, her form imposed by the darkness. The dark tailored jacket paired with the skintight catsuit covered her body once more as her gloved hand came to rest on the wall. Her mask covered her face, the peering street lights reflecting off the dark bronze and silver rings on her fingers as a smirk curled onto her lips.

A tall man, who she knew to be Loki, stood in the centre of a kneeling crowd. His body embellished with greens and golds, and his head covered with a large helmet. Horns sprouted from either side of it. He paced before them, and she moved forward, trying to catch his words.

Look at that man. He couldn't look more mentally damaged if he tried.

You do know we're the exact definition of mentally damaged, too, you know?

The Blade shifted. "They're not wrong."

Now you're picking favourites?

"No, I'm just pointing out the inconvenience of your presence."

You'd be lost without us.

Yeah, imagine how boring it would be.

"I think I could cope." A few people hurried around her, and she sighed. "Geh weg," she grumbled, turning in their direction as they hurried away.

Lifting his sceptre, Loki pointed it at an elder. His mouth moved, but she couldn't pick up his words. She went to move forward when Rogers, dressed in his full attire, dropped to the ground before him, his shield ricocheting off of the god.

He's really cool.

And built like a Greek God.

He's nothing compared to us, though.

Maybe we should get a shield.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing," Rogers began, his voice carrying in through her hacked earpiece.

Loki rose to his feet, a smirk forming on his face. "The soldier. A man out of time." She heard him this time as he stood there, a glare on his face.

"I'm not the one who's out of time."

An aircraft floated above them, a large gun forming from under it as it pointed at Loki.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Romanoff's voice resonated through the city centre, and the Blade squinted, moving to get to her feet.

Loki pointed his sceptre at the jet, and an overpowering stream of blue light erupted from it. It shot through the air, but the craft managed to dodge it. The Blade clenched her fists as she moved a few steps closer. Loki and Rogers burst into a brawl at the distraction. Dark eyes flickering between the two's forms, the Blade prepared herself to pounce. And when Loki through the super soldier across the stairs, and her smirk widened.

Now it's our chance to dance.

Get 'em, girl!

Blood for the Blood God!

She took her chance, leaping forward and breaking out into a sprint.

She met Loki with a grenade of speed as she jumped up. Spinning in the air, she threw out each of her legs. She smacked him in the face, one foot after the other, as she descended to the ground. She impacted the floor, and she rolled out of it.

She rebounded and whipped around, back-bending as he swiped his sceptre through the air. She swivelled, pulling her sword from her back and regaining her footing as she swung her fist, and it collided with his face. Double-tracking, she twirled her sword and rushed back into the fight. She brought the blade down, and he lifted his sceptre in retaliation, a thunderous clang resonating throughout the centre. Whipping around to gain momentum, she took long strides towards the god, pursuing him on the offensive side with long, harsh arcs of her blade, which he only managed to dodge by redirecting her hits to the side.



Blood God!

Loki delivered a blow from the but of it right into her sternum. The Blade grunted, dropping back and entering the shadows, replacing her sword onto her back. The god turned in a circle, narrowing his eyes in anticipation. When his back was turned, she sprinted forward, ducking under Loki's arm and grabbing his sceptre. She ran around him in circles before she used his weapon to propel herself into the air, wrapping her legs around his neck. Using her pent up momentum to continue her movement, she tightened her thighs around his throat and let her torso swing downwards, so she hung off his back. He stumbled around with her action and eventually landed on the ground in a heap.

She wrenched the sceptre from his grip, straddling his waist and pulling her sword from her back. Pressing them in a cross over his neck, she leaned in close to his face, and Loki stared into the dark, sinister helmet as he tried to regain his breath.

Blood for the Blood God!

Finish him!


Rogers returned from guiding the crowds away and ensuring their wellness. He stop short at the sight of the Blade's restraint of the god. He looked over his shoulder as a metal clang bounced around the city centre.

The Blade shifted to sit straight, her gaze never leaving Loki. "Widow, did you miss me?" she quipped in her low drawl as she rose to her feet, swivelling the sceptre in her palm. Before Loki could stand, the point of her sword appeared under his chin. He froze at the cold prick of the blade, eyes flickering up to the visor of her helmet with a smirk.

An iron suit touched down next to her, various amounts of weaponry expanding from his body. "Make your move, Reindeer Games," he taunted. She stepped away from the god, keeping her sword pointed at him as he sat up, lifting his hands too. "Good move," Stark commented as Loki's armour dissolved.

"Mr Stark." Rogers nodded. He glanced at the Blade and gave a curt nod.


"Rogers," she replied. "Stark."

The Quinjet settled on the pavement, the back opening and allowing Romanoff to move towards them, a pair of shackles gripped in her hands. Launching them at Rogers, she locked eyes with the Blade.

She lifted her chin, replacing her sword in its sheath strapped across her back. "This mask stays on and my identity secret, along with my freedom, of course," she drawled out, a low warning in her words. "That's all I ask for in return for my... services. Any of that suddenly becomes common knowledge and... well, I'd rather not ruin the surprise."

"I'll see what I can do," the redhead replied, giving the taller woman a nod.

The Blade made no reply, and Romanoff led Rogers with a shackled Loki back to the jet. She glanced at Stark as his suit dissolved from his body, her eyes flickering over him before turning and following the others, the sceptre swinging at her side.

Why didn't you finish him?


This is a bad idea.

This is for Estella. We owe her as much.

Something isn't right.

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