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Oswin let out a low groan as she blinked away the unconsciousness. She sat up and felt her head, fingers running over a dent and a quiet whine escaped her. Getting to her feet and snapping her back, she looked around the chaos after waving her hand to get rid of the dust. It was dim and she struggled to find her way through whatever tunnel or small area she found herself in. It was deadly silent aside from small groans and scatters from somewhere in the distance. She whipped around, eyebrows furrowing as she tried to see through the darkness. Something clanged in the direction she was going and she continued forward.

Her foot hit something and she lowered to pick up a piece of piping. She pursed her lips before continuing forward with the pipe held like she did a sword. She recognised clanging as footsteps and she clenched her hands around her weapon.

Her heart thumped in her chest and the silence sent tickles down her back. She clenched her jaw, and she focused on a loud crash ahead.

Something caught her eye out of nowhere and a scream came from it causing one to slip from her. She went to smack it with her pipe at the same time a bow and arrow were aimed at her. Clint let the arrow fly and Oswin brought down the tube and, instead of the weapons hitting their intended targets, Oswin battered the arrow to the ground. Both fell back against walls with laboured breath, weapons falling to their sides.

"What the fuck?" Oswin asked, breathless.

"We don't talk about this," Clint replied.

She swallowed and nodded. "Not a soul," she confirmed.

"What even happened?"

"Nebula brought Thanos here. He shot a missile." Oswin straightened as did Clint. "Come on." They continued onwards, their weapons poised and eyes narrowed. Clint brought out a light and pointed it towards the darkness. "Only now, you thought it was a good idea?"

"Shut up. Cap?"

"Ugh, we're in the sewers," Oswin grumbled as she turned in a circle. "Disgusting."

"Wait-" Clint moved forward and she followed after him. He scooped up the gauntlet and Oswin let out a choked breath.

"Wait, it actually worked?"

He looked up at her and a smile formed on his face. "Yeah, yeah it did."

Oswin stared at him, eyes dropping to the floor and nodding. "Good," she replied quietly. "Good." She cleared her throat and continued forward before halting. She narrowed her eyebrows before glancing behind her at Clint. "Oi, light." He shone it in the direction and they both gasped. "FUCK, CLINT, RUN!"

The two scrambled to turn and sprint in the direction they had just come, outriders crawling after them with their teeth gnashing.

"Why are we running?" Clint shouted over their growling and the two humans' thudding footsteps. "You never run!"

"I don't have my sword!" Oswin shot back, glancing over her shoulder at the outriggers as they gained on them. "I'm not skilled in punching faces with teeth!" She looked at him. "Shoot it with an explody arrow!"

"Explody arrow?"


Clint pulled an arrow from his quiver and sped up before turning and firing the arrow into the clusters of outriders. Oswin caught up as he stopped to shoot and she grabbed his arm and wrenched him forward. The arrow exploded and the fire lightened their way and the blast launched them forward.

DAYWALKER | n.romanoff ✔Where stories live. Discover now