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The Blade lifted her head from on top of Natasha's. The ship lowered to the ground, and the redhead's head lifted from her shoulder in a slumbered daze. The Blade rose to her feet, offering Natasha a hand up as she followed Barton from the ship. The two females walked closely together with their shoulders pressed together. They looked up at the mansion before them, the pale colours and the vibrant vines pushing a sigh from the dark-haired woman. Barton glanced at her before ascending the porch and opening the door. Banging almost immediately greeted them, and a smile formed on the Blade's mouth, moving into the kitchen from the hallway. Her grin widened as she caught sight of Estella in front of a counter, mixing something in a bowl.

'Honey, I'm home,' Barton called softly. Estella turned, her eyebrows raising in surprise at the sight of seven new people in her house. 'Hi. Company. Sorry, I didn't call ahead,' Barton continued, moving forward to kiss her head.

Estella looked past him, her hand dropping from around her husband's waist as the Blade pulled her helmet from her head, setting it on the table. She missed the male Avengers behind her furrowing their eyebrows and sharing confused glances. 'Oswin?' she asked quietly, taking a step forward.

The corners of her mouth twitched in reply. 'Sorry, I'm late,' she replied sheepishly. Estella's face broke into a grin as she pulled her older sister into a hug. Oswin froze for a moment before hunching over and returning the affection. She shifted slightly before pulling back and staring at her clearly pregnant stomach. Her eyes flickered to Ella's. 'Another one?' she questioned quietly. She shrugged, and Oswin's grin widened. She pulled her into a hug once more, burying her head into her sister's shoulder. They eventually pulled apart, and Estella jumped, waving at the Avengers behind.

'Gentleman, this is Estella,' Barton introduced.

'I've... err, heard about you already.' She smiled awkwardly, and Barton patted her shoulder.

Oswin shifted when a deep bark sounded along with the thumping of feet. 'Oh God,' she whispered out.

'Ooh, incoming!' Barton called, turning to face the same direction as Oswin. A massive mob of fur came bounding in through the door leading to the garden, and a piece of laughter slipped through Oswin's mouth. Zeus collided with her body, leaving her to stumble back before she hugged him tightly. Barton gushed over Cooper and Lila as Oswin scratched Zeus' belly, whose tail thumped the ground loudly.

'Did you bring Auntie Nat?' Lila asked.

Natasha smiled before crouching down. 'Why don't you hug her and find out?' Lila let out a giggle before launching herself at the redhead.

Oswin smiled before raising an eyebrow. 'I find this highly offensive.'


She looked up in surprise, her eyes flickering over Xander, who had wide ones. 'Hey, kid,' she replied, getting to her feet and moving over to him. Before she could get halfway, he crashed into her, his arms wrapping around her shoulders with his newfound height. She froze, blinking a few times, and as he went to pull away, she returned the hug with a squeeze. She felt her brother sink into her, his grip tightening as he buried his head into her neck. 'Jeeze, kid, see El's been feeding you beans.'

He remained quiet and just hugged her impossibly tighter. Oswin locked eyes with Estella over his shoulder, furrowing her eyebrows slightly, but her sister only shrugged. They finally pulled away, and she patted his shoulder.

'Sorry for barging in on you,' Rogers spoke up.

'Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed,' Stark added.

'Yeah, well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined.' Barton shrugged, glancing at Oswin. 'Well, the house was already here, but I'm sure you know that Blade can be very persuasive. He kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D's files. I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low.' Oswin smirked as she grabbed her helmet and slipped it over her head. She squeezed Xander's shoulder in passing, and Zeus plopped down by her feet.

Natasha moved over to her, smiling at Estella. 'How's little Natasha, huh?' The redhead smirked as Oswin raised an eyebrow.

'She's...Nathaniel,' Estella corrected. Oswin's face grew into a smirk as Natasha raised an eyebrow.

'Traitor,' she whispered to Estella's stomach.

The front door banged open, and they all whipped around to face it. Mr McDonald stormed into the room, and the Diamandis siblings and Barton all cringed in union. 'What in God's name is that thing daein' oan mah lawn?'

'What thing, Mr McDonald?' Oswin asked in mock confusion, which passed over the old man's head.

'What thing?' he repeated. 'You cannae miss it!' 

'Oh,' she breathed out, a smirk playing on her features as she turned to look at Barton, whose face dropped and lifted his finger. 'Checkmate, bitch,' she whispered before turning back to Mr McDonald. 'I think that was Barton, Mr Mac.'

'Aye, you bloody tadger! Shift it 'n' a wullnae think aboot daein' a jobby in yer cuppa!'

Barton jumped, moving past him. 'Yes, sir. Right away, sir.'

'Shut yer puss,' he called back. He glanced at Oswin on his way out. 'Tis guid tae see ye back, Oswin.' The others blinked blankly with their mouths parted as they tried to understand Mr McDonald's words.

'Was he- was that English?' Stark asked. The Diamandis siblings shrugged in reply.

Oswin winced, lifting a hand to massage her head. 'I'm out of here,' she mumbled, walking with heavy feet towards the stairs with Zeus trotting behind her. She dragged her feet up the stairs, her hand tracing the rail. She entered her room in the attic, holding the door open with her foot for Zeus. He panted lightly, and Oswin pulled her helmet from her head, discarding it onto the floor and looking around her room. A dust sheet laid over her bed along with other appliances, and she sighed, moving to each window and opening them wide. A sharp gust of wind ploughed through the room, and she let it run through her.

She slowly slid down the wall and brought her knees to her chest. Zeus looked up from where he sat before moving over to her and laying by her. She remained staring at the wall but let her hand fall to rest over his fur, gently twisting pieces around her fingers.

I would die for Zeus.

So you've said.

But it's true. I'll give you that. 

I'm glad we're back. I love this place.

That makes one of us.

'How are you doing this?' Oswin mumbled out, letting her head drop against the wall.

Doing what?'

'Acting as nothing happened.'

Well, if we're on this subject, why didn't you thank us?

Yeah, without us, you'd be looking like a kicked dog.

'I doubt what Maximoff could have shown me would be worse than what I hear every day. You learn to live with it.'

You're so dramatic.

I'm here for it.

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