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The Blade's eyes snapped open, dazed and unseeing. She reared up, muscles in her neck and shoulders taut and bulging. Tensing, she ripped away from one of her restraints, a grunt escaping her, and moved to destroy the other one. She tore away the ones holding her legs and pulled out the syringe in her arms with a low groan. She straightened, posture domineering as her shoulders slouched.

She shook her head, pink hair whipping around her face, and she took a step forward, stumbling slightly. The two rooms were empty, things left messy, and papers were strewn about as if left in a rush. She took the scenery in through what felt like a tank of water. Her brain fuzzed, and the chants of the voices in her head added to the chaos. The fluid injected into her system seemed to do the opposite of killing her, and she felt as if she could run the distance of the earth and then have enough energy to go on a killing spree seven times over.

The pure adrenaline churning through her veins caused her to throw caution to the wind, her eyes dilating and letting the voices in. It was like dual control as she stepped forward, their voices quieting as if they were beside her, sitting on either shoulder. She kicked the door open, a small grin forming on her features. Red lights blared on either side of the hallway, causing her to wince at the dramatic shift in colours.

A piercing ringing plugged her ears, blocking out any other sound around her, her vision blanking out as the red lights shifted on and off. When she could see, her hands were ripping people apart. Soldiers, she realised, who was in the midst of trying to stop her and something else. She kicked one into a wall, turning and pinning another by their neck. Lifting them, so their feet dangled, she gritted her teeth and wrapped her other hand around their neck. She squeezed, her face forming into a snarl. Turning as one came charging at her, she threw back a leg, and it connected with their jaw, head snapping to the right. She pulled back her grip, wrenching the guard from the wall and hauling them across the floor.

Vision going back again and whistling enveloping her hearing, the Blade felt like she was flying, hovering above her body as it ripped its way through the Raft.

When she came back, bodies littered the hallway, strewn about in odd positions and puddles of blood flooding the once white tiles. She stopped in front of a door, to one side stood a scanner, and she looked at a body at her side. Tilting her head, she reached for their hand, dragging their limp weight and attaching their hand to the scanner. A green light moved across the screen under the palm and then enveloped it entirely. The door hissed and popped open, and the Blade continued her crusade inside.

The Blade knelt when she gained control once more, her shoulders heaving with breath. Her irises were so dilated that the brown of her eyes melted into black. The red lights no longer blared, and instead, the room was a piercing white. A wheeze escaped her, and she fell forward, only just catching herself with her hands. The whistle gently faded, and the sound of her laboured breathing filtered through.

Along with the sound of chaos.

'Holy fuck,' she rasped out. 'I'm tripping out of my ass right now.' A pair of shoes appeared in front of her, and her eyes wandered up to their face. It took a moment to recognise her as Wanda. 'It's like I can hear colours,' she continued, voice shifting to one of wonder.

The Sokovian was silent, raising an eyebrow. 'I don't even want to look inside your head at the moment,' she answered.

'No, you don't,' the Blade replied breathlessly. She looked over her shoulder, taking in the scene as Sam and Rogers beat through a door. The blond looked over at them, beckoning for them to follow.

DAYWALKER | n.romanoff ✔Where stories live. Discover now