Later, Sophie and Haley were looking at the stairs

"Let's just do the picture another day.I think I'm getting a pimple" Haley said

"No.Do you know how long it took me to book this photographer?I'm gonna see if we can have it at Uncle Mitchell's house" Claire told her and went to call Mitchell and Cam

"Hey,Mom,problem solved?" Sophie asked when Claire came back

"Yes,we're taking this pictures at your Grandfather's house"


Later, at Jay's, Sophie went downstairs wearing a white dress

"Sophie" Claire called


"Don't you dare to get your dress dirty"

"I know, I know"

"Dad, can you call them again?" Claire asked Jay

"I just did. They're on their way. Game went into overtime"

"I know, but we're losing the light, and the photographer's gotta get to a bar mitzvah in 10 minutes"

"You know, honey, I think you're getting a little too uptight about this" and after Jay said that Luke came in wrapped in plastic

"It's hard to breathe" 

"Oh, you're fine" Claire told him

"What'd you do to him?" Sophie asked

"In this way his clothes will stay white" Claire said

"You're crazy" Sophie said and then Phil, Alex, Gloria and Manny came in

"We're home" Phil and Gloria said

"Oh, thank God"

"Manny, let's go change" Gloria said

"Hey, there's my beautiful wife.I know you're mad at me, and I know this foam finger can't make up for everything" Phil said

"Honey, you just go change, and we'll talk about what you did later"

"The picture can't happen today.My pimple's getting worse" Haley said

"Oh, honey,I am so sorry.Can you stand?" Claire asked


"Well, then the picture's happening"

"It's all anybody's gonna see" Then Gloria came down wearing her dress

"I wouldn't be so sure about that.Did you get a look at her dress?" Claire asked Phil

"What? Why would I look at her dress?I love you"

"Uh, Mrs. Dunphy, the sun is setting" The photographer said

"Okay. Yeah,this is happening. Everybody,come on. Let's go"

"Be careful.I stained some furniture out there this afternoon"Jay said

 "Of course you did, Dad. Anything else I need to know about?" Claire asked as they walked out to the backyard and went to walk across when the sprinklers came on

"Oh,my God! Are you kidding me?"

"How do- how do you turn the sprinklers off?" Jay asked Gloria

"Ay!Of course!Because I'm Latina,I'm supposed to know everything about gardening and sprinklers!"

"You were here when they installed it"

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