Ch5. Shinsengumi lovers alliance Pt 1

Start from the beginning

Gin sat there with bored look as he finally took whatever was he looking for from his nose and throw it towards Sadaharu. "Besides, why should this brats have one to many stories while I as a main hero, work as a secondary character in here."

"SO THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT!" Shinpachi shouted furious at the older man.

"No way Gin-chan, this is a sequel to my arc. Meaning I am the main character!" Kagura said triumphal.

Gin picked his ear this time. "This whole Gintama fan fiction appeared because I was such a great main hero in the actual anime, if I'm gone this fics will fall. So hey, useless author change the characters, make this a story about me and me alone."

The last of Patsuan's patience broke apart. "Get off of your high horse! None of you have the right to talk! You two not only have a main spot on the actual anime, there are many fan fictions about you, while so few for me. Why no one writes about me more? What's so good about that damn sadist of a captain, Mayora, gorilla, this good-for-nothing perm and two violent Yato's?!"

Patchy, what kind of a problem you have with Okita and the other popular characters.

Gin put his arms over his head relying on the back of the sofa more. "The answer is simple Patsuan, no one want a plain, ordinary glasses for a main character. That's to boring."

I'll kill both of you! Shin-chan thought with the kill intend.

"You shouldn't be jealous Gin-chan!" Kagura stood up putting her leg on the table she said with mighty voice. "You might be a hero of Gintama and ranked first in the popularity charts, but in fan fiction world I'm the queen. With OkiKagu at the top of the charts, I rule the fan fiction world. So let's make an alliance you in Gintama and I in fan fiction world."

"You're wrong Kagura." Gin said with bored voice. "I'm standing alone with an iron foot at the top of the popularity polls, while you're sharing it with Souichirou-kun."

An evil grin was plastered on China's face. "Then I'll just kill him and rule alone."

Gin waved a hand in dismissal. "Nah won't work. Without him there is no OkiKagu and no OkiKagu, means you're down to being a secondary character."


"While I, even in fanfic's, am popular. There is a lot of stories for me, and some even about crap like love, but it involves cute girls, so let it be." Silver samurai grinned with triumph, while Kagura was pouting.

Yato female grinned, she took out the laptop and opened the Internet typing something then moved to sit next to her guardian. "Too bad Gin-chan, but the one you're paired up with are mostly Hijikata, Takasugi and Zura."

"NANI?!" Vein popped out on Gintoki's head. "Why would I be paired up with a Mayora, Psychopath and an Idiot?" Perm head looked at the camera. "Oi, you fan girl if you're doing stories, do more about me and Ketsuno Ana. Don't match me up with weirdo's."

"Look Gin-chan, I opened watt*** look at how many there is stories for you and Mayora." China pushed the laptop towards her guardian an evil smirk on her lips.

Gintoki went pale, then purple, then red from anger and then pale again as he shouted. "The hell! What's the big joke? How can you people manage to have such imagination? Where do you get this kind of a plot?" Silver samurai returned to the device in front of him typing something. "Just you wait... I'll definitely find a fic with Ketsuno Ana and me. There should be one.... There should be one.... There should be.... Should be one... one...

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