34: His Olivia, My Olivia

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On Sunday, the day before 'Ben's Olivia' was to come to our house, we sat in the media room discussing how to ease her into our world. But while Ben mentioned my earlier suggestions to the group—starting with magic before dumping the vampire part on her—I found myself drifting to my head frequently.

Because what were the chances that Ben also met an Olivia.

And what were the odds he met one in the library... though he did say it was another library. My Olivia wouldn't have gone there.

But also... what was the likelihood that both Olivias were at a library studying mythical creatures for a book... with mutant DNA in them.

But my Olivia isn't a fairy, my mind whispered.

We never knew what she was, I thought back.

"Lukas?" Erica asked, her hand resting on my arm, pulling me from my thoughts. Everyone was silent, looking at me. "You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah. Sorry. Dozed off." But as I glanced over at Ben, that same guilt swirled in his eyes.

He never met her... I tried desperately to convince myself. He wouldn't know. And it might not be her...

"We were just saying," Jayce said, "That maybe we could do a small magic trick for her. Like levitate something?"

I nodded. "Sounds good." But as they all continued to discuss how much Ben should tell her—most agreeing he should leave the bond part out for a little bit while she adjusts—I found myself drifting back into my mind.

As the conversation wrapped up and everyone began to forward out for dinner, I heard Erica say, "I'll go brew that memory wiping potion for you now."

"Memory wiping?" I asked, turning to glance between Ben and Erica.

"In case she... doesn't want to remember us," Ben whispered.

That's it. If it is somehow my Olivia... I can just convince her to take the potion.

"Good thinking," I grinned at him, getting to my feet, liking that there was an out to quell my worries.

"Is it?" Ben asked, eyes swirling with sadness.

"I mean... surely she won't take it. Surely she will overcome the shock of it all," I said, placing a hand on his back as I tried to reassure him.

"I hope so," he whispered. "I really do think I like her."

Watching Ben stew about it, I decided in that moment that the guilt I had seen in his eyes was probably because he didn't want to bring her into our world... didn't want us to use her blood. Nonetheless, the safety of human kind potentially rested on this girl's shoulders.

If she did decide to wipe her memory... We could just convince her some other way to donate her blood.

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Ben left around midday the next day to pick up his Olivia from the library. I sat in my room, door open, reading another paranormal book to pass the time and distract my anxiety.

It's a different Olivia, I tried to reassure myself several times. Don't get yourself worked up over this.

All the while, Jayce and Erica ran around downstairs, casting spells to clean cobwebs, wipe counters, the like.

"Should we feed her?" I heard Ivan ask.

When no reply came, I assumed he was talking to Drake, meaning he would have most likely responded with a shrug.

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now