59: The Catalyst

27 9 3

June 2018

Soft kisses trailing across my torso woke me from my slumber. Peeling back an eyelid, I looked down at the red locks of hair cascading over me as she continued to press her lips all over me.

"Good morning to you too," I said, voice croaky from sleep.

Her green eyes peered up at me through her lashes, mouth coming to a halt in its mission. "Morning," she purred before going straight back into kissing me.

Arms wrapping around her, I rolled us until she was pressed against the mattress, me hovering over her, pinning her down. "What small town did I save in a past life to be woken up in this magnificent way?" I asked her, starting to brush my own lips over her face.

"I was planning on going further... so it's probably multiple towns. Maybe a country."

"Is that so?" I rumbled back, pulling back to rest my forehead against hers. "Why the wakeup call?"

"Oh, you know..." she breathed. "Was feeling a little... frisky when I woke up. And you were just laying there so..."

At once, a laugh barked out of me. I pulled back, staring at her in disbelief. "Is that so?"

Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip as she gave me a short nod.

"Oh, Ollie... well, I better oblige then," I said. Hands hooking on her hips, I rolled her so she was back on top of me, letting her take the lead as always.

Her hands immediately began roaming my body, fingers slipping under my boxers, wrapping around...

My eyes flew open.

Sunlight streamed in around the cracks in the curtain, the aircon rumbling above. But despite the fake coolness bringing the temperature of the room down, my limbs felt like logs glued to the bed.

I hate summer, I thought.

I wanted to roll over.

I wanted to go right back into the dream... into the memory... back to the mornings waking up next to Ollie.

But as I shifted my weight onto my side, the pressing tightness in my bladder became extremely noticeable.

I heaved a groan.

There was no way I could go back to sleep needing to pee this badly.

But, also, if I got up now, for sure I would not go back into that dream.

Reluctantly, I threw my legs out of the bed and forced myself to my feet.

Slowly shuffling through my room, my eyes automatically started to force shut and my limbs became even heavier as I approached the light streaming under the door.

Hand gripping onto the doorknob, I took a deep breath before yanking it open, wincing slightly as the sun stole my ability to see anything.

I really fucking hate summer, I thought again.

I blinked in the light, taking a couple of moments to adjust my eyes to the brightness. But as my pupils began to constrict to the incoming light, a head of flaming red hair caught my attention.

Vision slowly focussing, my eyes locked onto the green-eyed girl, who stared at me like a deer caught in headlights.

Then, ever so slowly, my eyes began to trail over her, wondering why she was looking so alarmed.

Her hair clumped into damp, red locks that fell over a plush, white towel she clutched to her body. And where the towel met her skin, her cleavage and collarbone poked out above, begging to be kissed... or bitten.

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now