66: If Anything Happens, Take Her and Run

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Ollie's incessant need to be by Ben's side every waking minute was tearing at my heart more than it should. After her shifting interests over the past year pullulating promise and taking it just as quickly away, watching her around him now only cemented the death of all hope. There was no going back from what had happened to her. Whatever had flicked the switch in her head threw her as far away as possible from me and right towards Ben.

So I did my best to avoid looking at them as we walked around Cologne the next morning, taking in this tourist attraction and that tourist attraction. Ollie hadn't had the chance to see much since she had moved to Europe... so we thought we should at least let her get somewhat of a taste of travel while we were here.

Anything to keep us away from Windeck for as long as possible.

"This is spectacular," the red-haired girl ended up exclaiming as she craned her head to take in the twin spires of the Kölner Dom. "You wouldn't believe this was bombed in the second world war."

Following her line of sight as I took in the flying buttresses, pinnacles, and arches, their exterior fading to grey, I recalled its appearance just before. Back when the sandstone was almost white. "Well it was," I couldn't help but mutter back to her. "I remember looking at it not long after it happened."

"You saw it?" she asked, head immediately whipping towards me, voice tainted with way too much excitement. Almost as though she missed talking to me... which was unfair.

I gave her a curt nod before saying back, "Some of the only times I was free from my uncle's demise was during the wars."

All joy from her face immediately dropped, that familiar pity creeping in. Though the longing that often came with her gaze was long gone.

How did you just turn it off, Ollie?

And how do I do it?

"Did you guys want a drink?" Ben asked, breaking our eye contact.

Ollie was quick to face him, smile plastering back across her cheeks before she said, "Yes, please."

"Sure," I muttered, still studying her as though I could find the answer to my previous question etched somewhere within her features.

Though the moment Ben was out of our sight, she turned back to face me. Smile falling again, she said softly, "Are we okay?"

"Of course, Ollie," I said back, though we both could hear the lack of conviction to my tone.

"Did I do something?" she pressed.

Shaking my head, I stepped forward, closer to the building and hiding my face from her. I didn't want her studying me. I didn't want her trying to understand me anymore.

I just wanted my uncle gone.

Then I wanted my feelings for her gone.

I wanted the pain to stop.

Though Ollie was relentless on her path for answers. "Because I feel like I did," she went on, still pressing on the 'what did I do' debate.

For a brief moment, I considered running from her and this conversation. But something about her need to find out despite giving me the cold shoulder irked me too much to leave this conversation. So, instead, I finally faced her, just like she wanted. And also like she wanted, I spat back, "What do you want me to say, Olivia?"

She winced at me calling by her full first name—a thing I only did when mad at her, which she knew.

"One second, we're in the pool, having a moment, and I'm thinking that maybe you actually like me... then next you're all over Ben again." I'm going to have to wipe this conversation, I realised immediately after the accusations left my mouth. Though let's at least get this out considering I've started it... might be cathartic.

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now