64: Forced Change of Heart

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I was sure she would have told him everything when she went back to his bed that night. Based on the fact he refused to even sit in the front with me while I drove us to Windeck the next morning, I was more than sure of it.

But when we turned into town, Ben suddenly said, "Can you drop me off with my dad?"

"You don't want to come to the facility?" I countered.

Two of us protecting her were better than one... as we planned.

But Ben said, "You two can go alone."

Is this his way of letting her go to me?

Did she tell him what I said?

What she said?

Did he not know that things only would have been different for her if she met me first and not him? That in the end, she still chooses him?

Nonetheless, it wasn't the time to pry. So, respecting his request, I turned off towards his father's house. The moment I pulled into the driveway, Ben bounded out of the car, not even glancing back at us.

Olivia hesitantly climbed out after him, watching the door to Stephen's house slam shut as she rounded the vehicle, climbing into the passenger seat.

Once she was buckled in, neither of us said a thing as I reversed out of the driveway.

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"Where are we going?" Olivia asked after five minutes of walking into the thicket of forest, far away from the walking trail.

"To the facility," I replied, as though it were obvious.

"In the woods?" she said back, a slight squeak to her voice. "Off the track?"

I struggled to stifle a laugh before I said, "Of course, Olivia. It's not just out in the open for anyone to walk into."

But she went quiet in response, not pressing further. And as I continued to walk on ahead, I realised her footsteps were no longer echoing beside me.

Coming to a stop, I turned back to look at her. Olivia's face was crestfallen, eyes glossy even in the shadow of the trees.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"What's wrong with you?" she countered.

My brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"You haven't spoken to me all morning."

"You haven't spoken to me," I said back, a little bitter she was playing this game.

"You haven't even looked at me."

"I'm looking at you now?" To make a point, my eyes searched her face, as though the reason for her sudden despair would be hidden in the crevices somewhere.

Under the pressure of my watch, Olivia dropped her gaze to the ground, kicking at the foliage that crunched under our feet. "Forget it," she muttered, then she pushed past me, continuing into the forest ahead... and going completely the wrong way.

My hand shot out, grabbing her before she went too far. "I'm just... lost in thought," I said back to her. Wondering about whether Ben knows what I told you last night... wondering if you figured out... if you've figured out about our past.

Again, I studied her, searching for a clue.

But I came out empty.

A gust of wind blew at her copper locks, sending her watermelon and hibiscus scent my way, consuming me in her as she uttered, "I never should have said it."

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now