28: Forget Me

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Olivia slept better than any other night considering what today was going to bring. It seemed our week together—making love, sorting each detail of her life to a tee, making memories—had lulled her worried heart into a sense of peace.

I left her to sleep, even though we were supposed to start bringing her stuff back to her apartment early in the morning. Instead, I busied myself mixing a potion in my magic room before preparing her breakfast.

At some point, the smell of eggs and bacon must have awoken her, as she stumbled out of the bedroom towards me.

I immediately darted to her side, scooping her up in my arms, knowing this would be the last time in a long time I'd see her sleepy, blinking face in the light of a new day.

"Morning," she giggled at my sudden proximity. Mostly, she was happy. But I could sense the tinge of sadness lurking behind the facade she was trying to embody. She wasn't completely okay with this, even if it was her plan. But it was the best option in her mind. "What did you make me?"

"An omelette," I replied, relieved to see her smile at the menu option, but simultaneously sombre because... well, when would I next get to cook her something?

We walked back to the kitchen, arms around each other before she let go of me to take up one of the barstools. Her breakfast was just about finished cooking and I had already laid out the cutlery and a glass of juice for her. But the moment she sat down, gaze trailing over the arrangement, she paused at the vial sitting by her drink.

"What's this?" she questioned, glancing up at me.

"Oh... um... we didn't use protection earlier in the week," I mumbled, a blush forming on my face as I scooped her omelette out of the pan onto a plate, then turned to my eggs.

"Oh... Is it like the morning after pill?"

"Yeah..." I felt a little awkward even making it this morning... because I hadn't made one since school. Erica always took care of herself in that regard, and Ollie wasn't on any human birth control—though I wondered if, whatever she was, her DNA even agreed with such medication. A part of me felt like I was overstepping some boundaries preparing this for her. But if she was going to forget me... she wouldn't want some vampire baby growing in her over the next five or so years.

"Do I just... drink it?" she then questioned.

"Mhmm," I replied, setting our food down in our respective spots before coming to sit beside her.

"Empty stomach or..."

"It doesn't matter..."

"Hey," she said softly, setting the vial on the table, grabbing my hand. "Why are you being awkward?"

"I don't know..."

Her gaze flickered to the vial then back to me. "Thanks for thinking about it. I would have totally forgotten and... well, that wouldn't have been fun especially if I don't remember you," she laughed. "I'd be thinking I'm birthing the next Jesus if I missed my next period."

I shared a laugh with her then picked up my fork. "Sorry. I just... Don't want to force you or anything—"

"No. We definitely should have used protection, and I had stupidly forgotten that part. I'm glad you thought about this." And to end any worry going further, she downed the potion and chased it with some juice. "No vampire babies just yet," she then said.

"Just... yet?" I replied.

Her face fell slightly. "You don't want kids one day?"

I paused. She's already thinking that far? Even though today...

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin