73: Recovered Bond

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I hung on to every ounce of strength I had to make sure I stayed awake until Olivia had fallen asleep. And she took a long time.

Though eventually her breaths slowed, her heart eased, and the tension in her posture relaxed.

Glad she was finally at peace for the meantime, I let what remained of the night take me.

What felt like only minutes passing was actually hours, though sleep was over too quickly when I was suddenly jostled awake.

Warm. Watermelon. Hibiscus.

I pulled the inviting sensation closer, snuggling into it, reminiscing in days of delight when this was every morning. But surely I was dreaming. Surely—

"Lukas," her family voice disturbed my sleep, turning my black-eyelids red as I began to grow conscious of the light.

Not ready to get up yet, I pulled her even closer to me as I mumbled a, "Mmm?"

"Lukas!" she said again, fear masking her tone.

Fear? "Yeah?" I groaned, not ready to get up... needing just five more minutes with—

"Let me go."

My eyes flew open at her three words, gaze slowly adjusting to the brightness of the room and our whereabouts.

Unfamiliar painted walls surrounded us. Bedsheets that were foreign caressed my skin. And Olivia... she was in my arms after too long without.

But then Ben's body laying on the ground flashed to my mind.

At once, I removed my hold from her, shifting to my side of the bed.

How long had she held still and concentrated on not hurting me? I wondered, too embarrassed to look at her. Because, for crying out loud, of course I ruined the one time we shared a bed again by spooning her all night. Stupid Lukas. Stupid, stupid, stupid—

She rolled over, eyes evidently studying me. But I couldn't look at her just yet.

"Sorry," was all I managed to get out when she didn't say anything.

But then she finally croaked, "How on earth did you sleep like that?"

Sleep like what? Holding you? With great comfort, Ollie.

Unless... did she see my bruise?

I glanced down at the sheets, still tucked around me, shirt still pulled down over my torso.

Unable to figure out what she was referring to, I finally asked, "What do you mean?"

Her hesitant hand extended across the distance between us, touch lightly coming down on my arm.

Why is she... I wondered, lost for thoughts as my gaze shifted slowly from her hand to her puzzled emerald eyes. "Do you not feel anything?" she breathed, her gaze now avoiding mine.

"What do you..." I started, slightly baffled at what the feel anything referred to. But then it sank in. She had been touching me for way longer than normal with no zaps. "You haven't just turned them off?" I asked, almost pleaded, trying to quell the beginnings of hope starting to stir.

"No," she whispered.

It's back... It's back!

My bond string glowed around my heart in relief to know that she was feeling the invitation again... that I was immune from her harm. That we were almost back to norm—

At once, her hand yanked away from my arm, horror masking her face.

And as she leapt out of bed, running to the bathroom and away from me, I realised why.

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu