75: Blame Me

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October, 2018

Something felt off when I awoke the next day, but, at the time, I put it down to the fact that I had taken Olivia and I five hundred steps backwards a few weeks ago on the same day it felt like we had taken three steps forwards.

The sun had already broken the sky outside, but I was up earlier than usual. Though I put it down to the sense of dread I was feeling.

Nonetheless, I took my time sitting up, scrolling through my phone to see if anything had happened in the world overnight.

Until my door flew open.

A frantic Erica stood in the doorway, eyes wide and desperate, and hair in a disarray like she had only just woken up.

A part of me was ready to pull a joke about her appearance—because with Ollie around and our bond back, I was feeling a little more like my old self, even if I knew I had a long way to go with her again.

But I immediately swallowed my words as she puffed, "Olivia is gone."

"W-what do you mean 'gone'?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. At once, I reached for a shirt, climbing out of bed and making my way at a rather brisque pace to her spot in the doorway.

"Like, gone-gone." Then she held up a piece of paper she had been clutching in her hand.

Recognising the familiar scrawl, I yanked it from her hand and immediately let my eyes hurry across the page.

Dear everyone,

I'm sorry that I've left without saying goodbye, but I knew you'd never let me go if I told you of my plans to leave.

I've decided to head back home to Australia.

I could tell you all the reasons why, but I'm sure it's clear.

I'm sorry for everything.

I'm sorry that you lost a dear friend because I came into the picture.

I hope that one day you can all forgive me... but for now, I think it's best if I just disappear until I'm someone worthy of your forgiveness.

Olivia Byrne

"How dare she think it's her fault? That she needs to earn our forgiveness? I can't believe this whole time—" Erica had started to rant in her frenzied state. But I cut her off.

Shoving the paper back into her hands, I pushed her out of the doorway as I stormed down the hallway to Olivia's room.

And sure enough, all traces of her were gone.

The bed was stripped of sheets, the white mattress now demanding attention, and the uncovered duvet folded at the end of the bed.

Barging into the room, I yanked open the door to the walk-in robe. But it was baren. Not one shred of her clothing was left.

It seemed Erica had followed me, as she whispered, "She's gone, Lukas... You're not going to—"

"Shut up for once in your life, Erica!" I snapped at her, before focussing back on the room, looking for a sign of life... a clue that told me when she had left.

"I get you're upset because of whatever is going on between you two, but you don't have to—"

"What's going on here?" another voice said from the doorway—clearly Jayce's.

I ignored the twins—Erica explaining finding the note this morning as she came up to ask Olivia if she'd join her to the spa today. Instead, I slowly sauntered through the room, looking for something of hers that I could use.

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