60: A Slip of the Tongue

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"What did you do?" Ben spat at me as we walked through the door, immediately yanking Ollie into his arms.

He will always try to smother me, Olivia's words from an hour ago rang in my brain as I watched him almost quite literally smothering her against his chest.

Ollie doesn't know what she's talking about, I thought back to the memory of her.

"I didn't do anything," I said back to him. He didn't need to know his girlfriend tried to kiss me...

"You were gone far too long," he accused. I could see the fear in his eyes. But how could he be scared when she was quite literally in his arms, showing him her feelings.

"We just lost track of time, Ben," Ollie said, coming to my defence and trying to worm out of his grip. "Don't worry. It only felt like we were training for an hour, but apparently it was two. I should have texted you that we were running late."

But Ben didn't care for Ollie's defences.

He wasn't listening to even a word she said.

Because his gaze was locked on me like he knew... 

Adjusting the strap of my bag over my shoulder, I pushed past them, not wanting to see his accusing eyes anymore.

But just as I made it halfway up the first flight, I paused. Calling over my shoulder, I said to him, "I think Ollie is ready, by the way." Then I kept walking up to my room.

Because the sooner we wipe out my uncle, the sooner I can break the bond and hopefully get some peace in my heart.

· · ───── ∘ ☽༓☾∘ ───── · ·

I tried to pretend things were normal. That it was just any other day and I had not just spoken to my Ollie again. I even joined the group in gathering in the media room to watch the Harry Potter series...

But while everyone dissected it's lack of magical realism—something I'd normally relish in joining—I couldn't concentrate.

It took every ounce of strength in me to not turn to look at her. To stop glancing into my peripherals.

Which was why, by the time the third movie started, I left the room and headed to mine.

Collapsing onto my bed, with everyone in the basement, I revelled in the peace and quiet of the house.

Just me.

Just my breathing.

No one else.

But, as most moments of solitude go, it didn't last for long.

Familiar footsteps echoed on the first floor, not taking long to ascend the stairs. And by the time they were on their way up the final flight, I could hear Ben's heart thudding in his chest, alerting me to the who of the house wanderer.

Without much surprise, a gentle knock sounded on my door before he pushed it open, not even waiting to see if I allowed him in.

"What happened this afternoon?" he started.

With a slight groan, I rested my head back against the bed, returning to searching for cracks in the ceiling. "Nothing happened," I muttered. Nothing worthwhile, I mentally added. Nothing that will change anything...

"Something did. You two were gone longer than usual and—"

"We lost track of time," I interrupted him, barely paying him a glance. Avoiding his gaze was the best strategy, because seeing the crashing waves of agony washing through the blue of his eyes was unbearable.

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt