56: The Throes of Hope

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I knew it was time to stir the pot once more. A part of me was anxious to see how Ben would react, how Ollie would react to Ben as a result... but it had to be done.

We needed to move our plan along. We need to wipe out my uncle—or start plans to do so—before he got the leg up. And we had to make sure Ollie was prepared for whatever would come our way.

So as Ben got up, bringing everyone's plates to the kitchen one by one, I cleared my throat.

Pausing in step, Ben cocked an eyebrow at me while Erica and Jayce paid me no mind.

"I have something I'd like to discuss with everyone while we are all together," I started, glancing Ben's way.

His nostrils flared and his eyes gleamed with animosity.

Knowing I had him on edge, knowing Ollie was slowly glancing between us, anticipating how this would unfold, I threw him a smirk, then said, "I have a plan to take out my uncle."

Ben's hand clenched into a fist as he set the plate back on table, the porcelain rattling at collision.

Meanwhile, Jayce and Erica put their phones away, leaning forward in anticipation.

"We didn't talk about anything," Ben tried to warn, eyes flickering between fear and fury.

"Yes we did," I countered, popping up a challenging eyebrow. "You just chose to exclude everyone."

Ollie leaned back in her chair, gaze fixated on her partner while betrayal and anger oozed out of her.

Ben's went rigid as her studying stare laced with scepticism quickly transitioned to hostility.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he tried to say, but we could all hear the lie. Even he knew the game was up.

And before he could react, before he knew what was happening, Ollie flicked her hand out, catching his wrist, eyes dissecting him as she evidently felt the surge of deceit waft through him and into her.

Ben's eyes widened as he yanked his hand from her. "Olivia," he whispered, falling to his seat.

But she crossed her arms over her chest and turned her head away before he could see the glisten start to appear.

Wavering eyes, she took a deep breath and met my gaze across the table. "Please share your thoughts with us, Lukas," she whispered, still avoiding Ben whose sorrow and guilt was buzzing in the air between them.

But he wasn't having it. Scooting his chair closer to her, he placed a hand atop hers as he whispered in her ear, "Olivia... let's talk before this."

This time, Ollie yanked her hand away from him, keeping her eyes fixated on me, her heart shattering in her gaze.

While a part of me hated to see her hurting, the other side was relishing in seeing her trust for him diminish further.

I knew it was wrong to hope again... this wouldn't separate them. I could never have her back. But boy did I enjoy seeing Ben get lashes of accusations and hatred from her. Because she rarely was ever like this with me. We were perfect.

Realising he wouldn't get anything from Olivia anymore, Ben's head flipped towards me. "You're not bringing her near him," he seethed. "If you want to kill him, then you go alone and you do not use her blood."

"Ben," Ollie's voice called loudly over him. "Let him explain to me."

Head whipping back to her, he looked at his girlfriend like she had betrayed him for this... which was rich. Nonetheless, he clenched his jaw shut, leaned back in his chair, and turned away from her, pouting like a little kid in a toy shop.

Recover: Book 2 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now