The two drink for a while and Hyejin cried out what she kept bottled inside. All the lacking and pain she kept inside from all those years they are a couple.

"Unnie, why when I move out to live on my own so I can freely do what I want then Wheein is the one
being held by her family? By her course, By her dreams. Is this a sign that we're not meant to be? Am I just holding on to the rotten rope but eventually would break loose anyway?"

Hyejin dropped her groggy head on the small table. All she can do was console her. Even she also felt bothered with her discreet relationship. It's been a year and still, Solan's not comfortable revealing our relationship saying privacy is the key to a long-lasting relationship. It's not just privacy for me. I'm not against but people knowing the label between couples is a different thing. It's a sense of security and belongings.

Byul heaved a deep sigh that doesn't escape on Hyejin's ear. She turned to her lazily.

"Why? Don't tell me, you two are also on the rocks?" Hyejin said tipsily in alcohol she consumed. I glanced at her. Hyejin was my long-time crush but I fall in love with Solar. Her disheveled Blonde long wavy hair and cute face, the thin pouted lips.


The next thing that happen was out of my hand. Hyejin pulled my hoody and sealed my lips. For once, I hesitated but having this feeling for her at once, a long time ago makes her heart flutter. Then the peck...turned to a kiss that's turn into a passionate one. Both of them throwing their inhibitions behind.

Byul carried Hyejin to her room and slowly lay her on the bed without breaking their lips. Afraid that the spell of desire and lust at the moment would break away. Hyejin takes her sweater off leaving her bare chest and holds Byul's clothes slowly taking them off and leaving her sports bra. Hyejin slowly trails kisses down to Byul's neck down to her shoulder making her moan and gasp for air.

"Hyejin... Are you sure about this? We're going to regret this after."

Instead of stopping Hyejin continued and eagerly on what she was doing but one thing makes Byul's back to her senses.

" I so much. Please dont make me stop." Hyejin grab her waist and started to unbutton her jeans. Byul gathered enough strength to make Hyejin back to her senses. She grabs her shoulders and stared straight into her eyes.

"Hyejin! Stop! I'm not Wheein!"

That's all she can do and pulled Hyejin on her arms. Covering her naked body with blankets. Hyejin cry hard. Her longing and confusion, all bottled up emotions that she can't verbally express to Wheein scared to hurt the other.
She's hurt herself not realizing their relationship suffered.

I know Wheein is a reasonable person and can talk about anything but sometimes when it comes to the person you love, it's hard to express yourself. Your frustration that you can't make them feel guilty at fault.

As Hyejin get to her steady breathing Byul tried to get dressed but Hyejin pleaded with her to stay just for the night. She stayed with her just to comfort her. To be a friend she can lean

"Unnie, please stay." Hyejin softly whispers.

Byul saw how vulnerable Hyejin was at this moment. How deep is her love and need for Wheein but can't express herself the way she wants Wheein to see it. Being together not just because of lust just because she needed company. Whatever Wheein's reason she's out of that. She went to the sala and look for her phone but can't find it. Maybe it was left in the car.
She don't bother to go back to her car and get her phone instead laid beside Hyejin and sleep.

That night Wheein can't sleep thinking about Hyejin how it should be her sending her home not the other one. Even though she trusts Byul Unnie but it's Sunday tomorrow and she can reason out for something just to be with her tonight. She tried to call Hyejin's phone but it was off. She set aside her burden and tried to sleep, she'll try to go to Hyejin and spend the whole day with her.

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