"Dark Paradise (Part Two)"

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Thomas' P.O.V

"That just about does it." I heard Noah say.

We were in a medical room, and the chip in my brain had been removed.

Unfortunately, this meant that I would loose the telepathic link I had with Teresa, for good.

Somehow, there was a sort of scanner that led the chip to exit through the ear.

Teresa and I had our chips removed, and we were waiting for anybody else who had to get theirs removed by Noah or Andrea.

Noah and Andrea finished up, and it was almost time for us to go.

We had been through every single part of the building and we made sure everybody in it was dead.

Noah and Andrea walked towards Teresa and I.

"We found an entrance to the real world from here, so there's a plane outside ready to take you all to a safe place, just for immunes, far away from anybody with the flare." Noah explained.

"Turns out the paradise was just under ground. They tricked you all into believing you guys were truly safe." Andrea explained. "Almost everything was an illusion, forcing you to believe you were safe."

"You guys have to leave soon." Noah encouraged.

He shut the door to the medical room, and lead us down a hallway, along with Andrea.

"The rest of the right arm members, including Noah and myself, will go back through the cave and explore paradise for better understanding of the place." Andrea also informed.

"It won't be long until the other WICKED headquarters around the world realize something is wrong, and send enforcements here." Noah said worriedly.

"You guys have to go, now." He warned.

"They will never be able to find you where you're going. Remember to look out for eachother." Andrea said.

Teresa and I gave each of them a hug, and thanked them for helping us.

"Let's go!" I said loudly to the other immunes, and we parted ways from the Right Arm members.

Teresa and I ran hand in hand through the hallways and rooms, passing lifeless bodies.

Then I realized something as I looked at the bodies.

We were just as bad as the WICKED people. None of us were innocent.

We all had to make tough decisions to keep our people alive, even if it meant killing others.

Because of WICKED, our lives were just a Dark Paradise. We had eachother, but our lives weren't what they should've been.

We were lost in sadness, and the everyday struggle to stay alive.

Perhaps our lives could be enlightened by going on this plane.

I saw the door that would lead us all to a better life, and I ran outside with Teresa.

The sun on my face felt nice, as it had been a long time since I had felt it.

It seemed like we were running in slow motion, like it was only the two of us in a timeless world.

I locked eyes with her as we ran toward the plane.

Going on this plane could mean something better for us, perhaps new beginnings.

Instead of the Dark Paradise we previously lived in, we could live in a Bright Paradise.

But as long as we were safe, and I had Teresa by my side, everything would be alright.

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