"Stay Here"

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Teresa's P.O.V

What emerged from the darkness of the cave, was nothing compared to what I had witnessed in the past.

I knew I had to be strong, and not show my fear. We had to stay here and fight, so that's what we're going to do.

I griped my knife, and watched as an army of at least 100 cranks marched in unison, chanting their haunting words.

"Rose took my nose I suppose."

Who was this Rose girl? Why did she take peoples noses?

I thought the situation couldn't get any worse. I was wrong.

As the cranks approached, many grievers also unveiled themselves from behind the pack.

There was absolutely no way we were going to get out of this.

Calling this an army of WICKED creatures was an understatement.

I thought fighting the cranks and grievers would be hard, but then I saw the lightbulb creatures.

I remembered when we reached the "safe heaven", they attacked.

Thomas approached the never-ending group of cranks and delivered the first blow to it's neck with the butt of his spear.

This showed it was war.

All the immunes grabbed their weapons and attacked anything they could get to first.

Many immunes attacked the bulb creatures, smashing their lightbulbs from left to right.

Others attacked the grievers in groups, piercing holes in its metallic skin, and watching as the gooey black liquid spilled out.

My sweaty hand wrapped my fingers around my knife, I and ran to the first crank I saw. The crank I came to had of course, a missing nose and missing limbs.

I punched the ex-woman in the face with a fist full of anger, and ripped her left arm off, reducing the chances of her hitting me.

Then, with dead accuracy, I propelled my knife toward the temple of her head, and stabbed her. I watched the blood spew from the wound, and onto her shirt.

1 crank down, hundreds more to go.

Next, I accompanied a group of immunes who were desperately trying to kill a griever.

My knife went in and out of its skin, weakening the creature bit by bit.

We were focusing so much on killing this griever, that we hadn't realized the bulb creatures approaching us.

I had an idea.

If we could attract the bulb creatures toward the grievers, we can get the griever to use it's spikes to break the bulbs.

"Everybody drop your weapons and wait till last minute to get out of the way." I ordered.

The immunes followed the instructions and dropped their weapons.

We all stood still and waited for the bulb creatures to approach.

Right before the group of bulbs could get to me, I gave the word to move.

"Now!" I shouted and I dropped and crawled away from the creatures.

Just at that moment, the griever extracted it's spikes, and the bulb creatures were at its mercy.

The sound of bulbs cracking hurt my ears, but it was definitely worth it.

This plan worked, but would we be able to defeat all these creatures?

QOTC: Why did you decide to read the TMR books?

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