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Teresa's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open as I was awakened by the sounds of the immunes preparing themselves for the new day.

Today was going most likely going to be a lot similar to the past few days.

I stared at the cave ceiling thinking about the routine we had become accustomed to.

Walking for hours, taking breaks, fighting whatever we needed to off, and then sleeping. The pattern was continuous, but it was unclear how long it would go on for.

Thomas was still upset about Brenda's death, but I couldn't blame him.

I wish I could comfort him, but I don't know what he feels like. I've never lost somebody that I was close to, so I don't know what he's going through.

There's a possibility that when I was younger I lost somebody I was close to, but because of WICKED, I would never really know.

I sat up on the mat, and scanned the immunes, trying to find Thomas.

I spotted him with his immune friends, who's name I didn't know. He was eating canned food and chatting with them.

Minho decided it was time to head out, so I packed my sleeping mat, extra food, and other things that were necessary to survive.

"Hey Tom." I greeted when I walked over to him.

"Hi." He said plainly.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I guess I'm doing alright. I'm still pretty upset though. About, you know, Brenda." He explained.

"You're a strong guy Thomas, you'll get through this." I assured.

I gave him a warm hug, and there was that feeling of protection again.

"Promise you'll never leave me." Thomas said as he pulled away from the hug.

"I promise." I vowed.

No matter what happens, I will always stay with him, and I'll always love him.


Just like the other days, we walked, talked, took breaks, and walked some more.

I was tired of this routine. We didn't know what we were looking for and we were all tired.

"This cave goes on forever, what are we doing?" I was annoyed.

"You have a better plan?" He asked.

I looked down in defeat.



We walked side by side quietly until Minho called from the front of the group.

"Guys. There's something wrong." He said uneasily.

"What is it?" I asked.

Minho approached Thomas and I and handed us a note her was holding.

They attack tonight.

The note was signed by none other than WICKED.

"What's this supposed to mean?" I questioned.

Minho shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not sure what's coming for us, but we have to do something."

QOTC: Who's your ultimate OTP?

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