"Won't be waiting"

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Teresa's P.O.V

All the white in the room was making me sick. I needed to see something else. That something else was Thomas, and not Thomas from my dreams, but Thomas in real life.

I missed him so much, and I want to be there with him when we fought WICKED again. We did it together once, and we sure as hell can do it twice.

It was late at night, and I hoped most people, if not everybody, was asleep. These people were desperate for a cure, so I was pretty sure they slept here. I had to find a way out and this might be my only chance.

There was an IV connected to me, so I decided to rip it off. I looked at the monitor where my heart rate was shown. Technology was pretty cool.

It's funny how I could remember things that were in a hospital room, and what they were for, but I couldn't remember ever being in one. WICKED really did mess us up.

I sat up in the bed and placed my feet on the cool ground. I got goosebumps as soon as my feet touched the tile-covered floor. My head started to ache and my vision was a big blur. I was pretty weak, but I knew could manage.

I stood up and walked slowly and carefully to the door, trying my best not to make a sound.

My hands grabbed the door handle firmly as I twisted it. When the door opened, I peaked out and glanced from left to right into the dimly lit hallway.

There was nothing but silence. I placed my right foot out the door and closed my eyes, hoping that would prevent any sounds even though I knew it wouldn't.

When I opened my eyes again, I tiptoed a little quicker. I had no idea where the flat trans to the paradise could be.

As I walked around, I passed by many different rooms, which most likely had different purposes, but where could it be? I questioned.

I walked a little more before I came to a door that was labeled Control Room.

This had to be where I could open the flat trans.

I twisted the handle and walked in, unsure of what could be awaiting me.

When I stepped inside, I heard the sounds of wires buzzing and I saw many buttons and switches. The place reeked of smoke and another smell I couldn't exactly put my finger on.

The room was empty and I thought that was pretty stupid to leave it unguarded. People like me could easily walk in here, and open any flat trans they desired.

There was a large screen in the middle of the room, and I could see paradise. People were running. But why?

My heart pumped faster as I continued to watch the screen. More people were running, but all of a sudden, I saw him.

"Thomas." I whispered under my breath.

Can you hear me?

I said to him in my mind.

Yes, you need to get find a way to us. They just released a griever, and I don't know what else is coming for us.

My eyes scanned the room, trying to find a way to them. I was about to give up until I saw it.

There was a switch labelled flat trans.

Finding the flat trans was pretty easy. A little too easy.

I wasn't sure where the flat trans led to, but I hoped it was to paradise. I flicked the switch and the flat trans appeared. I stepped in and prayed for the best.

She got out a little too easy huh?what do you guys think will happen next? Oh and I also want to thank EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has read this story, it means a lot to me♡♡

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