"Stay Strong"

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Teresa's P.O.V

There was nothing I could say to describe how happy I was to be with Tom again. The nickname I gave him in the maze could finally be put to use again.

We chatted about anything that came to our minds. Half the time I didn't even know what he was taking about, but it didn't matter. Just hearing his beautiful voice was all that mattered to me.

Now that I was with him again, I would cherish every moment we had together.

"No moment could make me happier than this one right now." I said to Thomas.

He smiled at me and we gazed into each others' eyes.

Our aimless conversations continued until we reached where everybody was hiding.

Minho, Thomas and I carried the boxes of food into the cave.

"Isn't that the girl who died?"

"How is she alive?"

"Is that a ghost?"

I was clearly being greeted warmly by the immunes there. I know it was shocking to most people to see me again, but I wasn't expecting this type of greeting.

"She's not really dead!" Thomas announced happily into the cave.

We sat the boxes of food down and everybody helped themselves to the food.

"Hey, you guys should ration the food because there's not much and we don't know when we can get more." Minho suggested to everybody.

Everybody disregarded what he said and continued to stuff their faces.

When was the last time they ate? I wondered.

After I ate an apple, Tom took me and introduced me to some of his friends the had met in paradise. There were lots of them and most seemed nice.

Finally I saw Brenda. I didn't think there was any hatred between us so I thought the greeting would go fine. I was wrong.

"Hey Brenda, you've met Teresa before right? Well here she is again." Thomas said before smiling at me.

"Nice to see you again." I smiled warmly.

"I liked you better when you were dead." Brenda rudely said before rolling her eyes, and walking away.

That was the meanest thing anybody has ever said to me. My throat got dry and tears began to form in my eyes.

"How could somebody say something like that?" I said between sniffles.

"Brenda can get a little jealous, but she's can be alright sometimes." Tom said before embracing me into a hug.

I can't believe he is defending her right now.

I had just reached paradise, but I knew there wasn't going to be much good vibes between Brenda and myself.

Poor Teresa 😢
Do you guys like the Teresa P.O.Vs? Or I should stick to Thomas'?

Dark Paradise (Thomesa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang