"Move on"

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Thomas' P.O.V

She's gone.

A close friend of mine just passed away, and I was the last reason of her sadness.

I made her cry. I broke her heart. It's all my fault.

If only I could've helped her sooner, maybe, just maybe, she would be here right now.

I walked in silence with the rest of the group. All I could hear was the sound of my shoes dragging along the ground.

I couldn't help the tears forming in my eyes.

Why did somebody I was close to have to always die? Of all the immunes why Brenda?

Yeah I guess sometimes she was rude and clingy, but why her?

First Chuck, then Alby, and Newt. Who's next?

It's so frustrating knowing you could've helped or you could've made their life easier before they died.

The group of immunes walked in mostly silence until it was time to set camp for the night.

"Okay everybody," Minho began to announce.

"We all have to stay in small groups, but still close to each other. Everybody will take turns staying up and keeping guard." He instructed.

Minho was pretty good at this whole leading thing.

I set down a mat on the ground and lay on it for a while, thinking about all the events that have unfolded recently.

"Hey." A voice interrupted from behind me.

I turned around so my back wasn't facing the voice anymore, and the voice was Teresa's.

"Oh, hi." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry about Brenda." She said while staring at the ground.

I slightly nodded and looked at the ground aswell.

"She seemed rude, but she was actually very nice to be around. I'm gonna miss her." I said in dismay.

"That's just another motive to keep us going, and to take down WICKED." Teresa tried to cheer me up.

I thought for a little while and realized that Brenda wouldn't have wanted me sit down, and sulk about her death.

She was strong and I had to be strong too. I couldn't keep blaming myself and wishing she was alive.

Truth is, she's gone and there's nothing I can do about it, but be strong.

I know it's going to take some time, but I will get over Brenda's death. When you loose somebody, it doesn't mean the world is going to end.

WICKED is the reason for all this distress. I don't know how, but it's my mission to avenge the dead, and give WICKED what they deserve.

They've been doing this for too long. Torturing innocent kids, taking innocent lives and much more troubles. I can't take this anymore.

They took some of us, and as for them?

Blood must have blood.

Kinda sneaked in a quote from the 100🌚🌚🌚

QOTC: If you could live in any fictional society/world, which would you live in?

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