"Everything is fine"

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Teresa's P.O.V

I feel like an idiot. I should've known that this was all a trick. Now that I'm here, WICKED is going to do whatever they can to hurt me along with the rest of the immunes.

"No, no, this isn't good." I got up and paced back and forth.

"They're probably watching us at this moment." Thomas also stood up.

My heart began to beat faster as he did this. Normally when he did this, I felt protected, but this time it was different. I still couldn't help but feel unsafe.

"I'm sure everything is going to be okay." He comforted me, but he was wrong.

"Everybody, listen carefully." I told everybody.

The cave grew silent and we all listened closely. I unwrapped myself from Thomas' hold, and approached where the sound was coming from.

I walked carefully and I continued to hear the sounds of metal clicking together.

Soon I had walked to the cave entrance and I peered outside the opening. My heart dropped as I saw what was coming.

3 grievers were emerging from the distance.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening." I panicked.

"What is it?" Thomas asked.

"They're grievers. We have to barricade the entrance. Come on guys, quick." I ordered.

Soon people were grabbing rocks, sticks and anything they could use to close the opening to the cave.

I helped a few people carry some rocks and finally the entrance was closed. The rocks definitely wouldn't be able to hold out the grievers, but it could buy us some time to plan.

"What do we do now?"

"Yeah, they'll get in anyways!"

"Is this your best plan?!"

Peoples concerns and ideas we're coming from different directions. I didn't know what we were going to do next, so I had to think quickly.

"Now, we fight."

"We have to find whatever weapons we can use to fight the grievers. This time there's 3 of them, so we need all the spears, machetes and knives we can find." Thomas instructed.

"When they get in, we all attack." Minho also put in.

People began to frantically search for weapons and anything else they could use to fight the grievers.

We didn't have much time before they knocked down the cave walls, and got in.

I looked back outside of the opening, and this time, the grievers were rolling and their pricks began to appear from their skin. We had to act fast.

Everybody was soon prepared to fight, despite their fear. We had to be strong if we wanted to take down these grievers.

"Everybody stay calm, the only way we can win this, is if we stay calm and work together." I advised everyone.

It was few minutes before we first heard the grievers metal skin coming in contact with the cave walls.

"Get ready everybody!" I heard Minho shout.

"Let's do this." I said under my breath.

The first griever broke down a part of the wall and found its way inside.

It's disgusting metal skin made a terrible sound as it trotted on the cave floor. I held up my knife showing I was ready.

There were a few people in front of Thomas and I, but something was wrong. It was as if the griever couldn't see them, because soon, it was heading straight for me.

Question of the chapter or QOTC:
Who is your favourite fictional character and why?

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