Chapter #36

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•Hope's p.o.v•
I walked out into the cold air and huddled closer to Carl and inside my jacket. Carl had his hands wrapped around my waist, keeping me close. I lightly smiled and kept walking with my hands in my jacket pocket. I heard the crackles of the gravel beneath my feet and my boots taking me step by step closer to an injured friend. That's what wiped the smile off my face. I looked up and made eye contact with people. Which, there was barely any. I sighed and kept looking. For anyone. And I did. Enid. She glared at me and I just kept my eyes on her. I gave her my evil glare, but all she seemed to do was send it right back to me. She finally walked away and I moved out my trance with Enid. I never liked her actually. She was a bitch to me and a bitch gets what she wants. A bitch. Yeah, I'ma be one to her. No one is going to stop me. At least no one can now. I looked down at the ground and continued on our journey. On our little path, I was able to see Melissa and Tom. I waved at them, and they waved back. I'm sure they wanted me to come over, but I'll swing along when I leave visiting Tara.
" We're here!" says Rosita, taking a sigh. Tara wasn't far from the house, but she wasn't near either. A couple of minutes, about 25. Rosita walked in, us following behind. I saw Tara's fragile body on the bed and was feeling bad already. She has to wake up. I thought. She's strong and gets through anything. I sighed, and walked closer to her. As I came closer, I was able to make out a head. (I was walking pretty slow.) It was a snoring head full of hair, and I recognized it almost instantly. It was Eugene. He was sitting here beside Tara, and was probably here ever since they came back from that run. To me, it looked that on almost all runs, more people are getting killed. First it was Aiden and Noah, now it was MY family that was hurt. I rested my head on Carl's shoulder, while he rested his head on mine. I sighed and he kissed it, resting it when he was done with his actions. I heard the squeal of a door, and thought Rosita had left.
"You still here Rosita?" I say, not to loud that I didn't want to wake Eugene up from a much needed rest.
"Yeah, but we got a visitor." She says back. Me and Carl both turned around and saw Abraham.
"Oh no." I whisper to him.
" Maybe we should go." Says Carl. I nod my head. We wait a couple seconds to make sure nothing was going to happen before we make our move. Abraham was in his coat with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He set them down in the counter, making sure not to make noise.
" He won't wake up." said Rosita. Abraham just looked at her and walked near the empty chair that was next to the snoring Eugene. Me and Carl backed away. Abraham slowly sat down, and all of a sudden you heard a crash of pans and pots.
"Oppppssss." Said Rosita, sarcastically. Me and Carl were going to laugh, but it got muffled by our hands covering our mouths.
"We're gunna go." I say over to Rosita. She looks up from picking up the final pans she 'accidentally' dropped. She nods her head and goes to hug us. We hug back, breaking me and carl apart, but we came back together. We interlocked our hands without each of us second guessing it. I looked back to see Eugene and Abraham talking, and I just smiled.
"Be careful." She tells us. I smile and nod, walking towards the exit. It sounds pretty retarded to say that in a 'safe place', but anything could happen, and I knew from experience. Me and Carl just walked along the streets, showing off how we were a new couple. We came across Melissa's and Tom's house. I smile brightly and dragged Carl along. He seemed to notice and walk faster in the direction we were going in. I came upon the porch and started to climb up the wooden boards. I came to the door and sighed. Before knocking, I felt the warmth of the sun. It was up and shinning, and I never realized how warm it had gotten. I smiled delightfully, and knocked on the door with my free right hand. I heard footsteps inside, and guessed they heard. The closed door was pulled away from my face, as soon as the bright lit room behind it had faces covering it.
" Welcome." Said Tom. They were both smiling and Melissa was in front of him. He had his arm on the small of her back, and she kept herself steady on her pot frame.
" Thank you." I replied.
" Muffin?" asked Melissa, already knowing the answer.
" Did you have to ask?" I reply. She shakes her head no, laughing at my sarcastically tone. Me and Carl walked I behind them, closing the door.
" How are you guys?" Tom starts a conversation.
" OH THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS!" exclaims his happy wife. I look back at Carl and smile. He connected his eyes with mine, and nods his head. I chuckle and look back forward, the smile forever plastered on my face.
" Are you guys together?" asks Tom in a fatherly manner. I laugh and nod my head. Melissa claps her hands and squeals. Me and Carl ended up laughing so hard, and Tom joining right along.
" I TOLD you! I just god darn told you!" I heard his wife say over and over again.
" Don't bother," says Tom, waving his hand around, leaning on the table with his other one.
" That day you guys left, she betted me y'all would end up together." He recalls, smiling at the happy memory. I smirk and look back at Carl. He looks at me smirking as well.
" This deserves a muffin." I heard someone say, and got excited. I let Carl's hand go and went behind Tom to their kitchen to meet up with Melissa. She handed me a muffin and I grabbed both. I handed one to Carl, and took a bite out of mine. I closed my eyes in delight. These were the best.
"You guys deserve each other." I heard her whisper in my ear. I just stared at Carl while eating the muffin. She continued on talking.
" When y'all first walked in, I could sense it. Then the way he looked at you when you went to sit with Tom in the living room. Everything was there." She said. I was shocked by what she was telling me, but couldn't be much happier tho think that people see that. That me and Carl are together and deserve each other in this world. While I was busy talking and eating about two more muffins, I noticed Carl and Tom talking. Carl looked back every so often to only smile and nod his head.
I finished the muffin and headed towards Carl.
" It was amazing to be here. Thank you guys." I say, hugging them by. Carl hugged Tom bye, and kissed Melissa on the cheek. His hand then snaked around my waist. I glanced at Melissa to see her send a wink my way. I tried not to laugh, but it was harder then it sounded. I walked out the door, and shut it.
Today was going to be good. It had to be...

Dixon LoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora