Chapter #34

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•Carl's p.o.v•
I stood on the outside of the door. I was waiting. Waiting for me to be brave and see her still lying there lifeless, but I noticed the door was peaked open. I squint my eyebrows and pushes the door with very little force. I slowly used my foot and put that in front to start my motion. He window gave off light in the room, but the curtain minimized it at the same time. It was the perfect light. The floor boards squeaked and it made me slightly jump. I heard snores and smiled. I thought it was Daryl, who was taking his daily nap. Instead, it was coming from the bed. I looked in the floor to see Daryl was gone and instantly got confused. I walked in more, faster but quitter. I closed the door behind me, hearing the door click, signaling it was shut completely. I paced up to the bed and saw Hope fast asleep, but her cheeks were red and felt like they were burning.
"I would like to sleep." Was a voice I heard, and instantly could recall it was the one and only beautiful voice of Hope Dixon. I smirked.
" How ya feeling?" I ask, sitting down on the bed beside her. She shrugs her shoulders and doesn't say a word. The smirk was slapped off my face and I looked at the ground. She was in pain.
" We all had pain, but you don't suffer from it. You just live with it." I whisper to her. She stays silent for a minute or so, before she starts to shuffle around. Before I could notice she was up and close to me.
" Does it get better?" was all I heard.
"Yeah....." I say, slightly smiling. I was suddenly hit with a flashback of everything that has happened to me. From Dale, Shane, the farm, prison, my mom, the governor, Woodbury, wars, Terminus, walkers. Everything. Everything I've dealt with. And here I am. Ok. Here I am. Alive. Here I am, having chance after chance after chance. I smile. I felt movement and saw Hope moving around. She was on the other side of the bed, getting up. I rushed to my feet and got up to where she was.
" You ok?" I ask, putting my arms around her very lightly, sort of hanging in the air like way. She nods her head and takes steps forward, heading towards the window. I walk beside her carefully and stop when she's at her destination. I smile. This is normal. Being here next to her. Seeing her move and not think about what happened. I look out the window to see what she was looking at. It was the sunrise. I watch it, looking out the corner of my eye very so often to see her smiling back at the window.
" It's just a new start." She says, adding a sigh.
" Everyday is." I say back. I saw her knees bend a little, and her fall a little off balance. I caught her in my arms and she laughed. I smiled bigger then ever before, seeing this is real.
" I'm sorry." She says, getting up.
" You're still weak." I respond. She was close to me, a couple of inches, 1-2. Her face was in front if mine and her skin was glowing in my arms. Was it even real? Her, in my arms.
" Then help me." She whispers in my ear. I look at her and she looks at me. She grabs her hands and wrap them around my neck, locking her fingers. I put mine on her hips, and look at her lips then back into her light chocolate eyes. She nods, biting down on her bottom lip. I smirk and lean down until I feel what I've been longing for. Her sweet plump lips on mine. She tasted so amazing and her lips were soft. We moved in sync and I knew right then and there, she was perfect. Everything about that moment was perfect. Us. She moved closer, engraving her fingers in my curls. I moaned, blushing slightly embarrassed. She let go and laughed, tilting her head back. I smiled at her. She arose and looked back at me. That's when I had to say it. Before she thought it was a game. A lie. But it's not. And I mean it.
" I love you." I whisper to her. It took her by surprise and she stood shocked for a minute or so. Then she smiled.
" Took you long enough, blue eyes." She said. I smiled bigger then ever before. I soon felt the pressure of her lips back on mine. I wasn't complaining, no. I enjoyed every moment I was with her. When her lips were with mine. She is going to be mine, and I'll make sure of that. We broke apart to breathe and rested out foreheads against each other. We stared at each others eyes and left the air silent. It didn't need anything to feel the moment was right. Just our breathes and our body heat is enough to make me feel complete. She moved and went to my bed. I followed closely behind and stopped when I saw her crawl under my bedsheets.
" Lay with me." she whispers. I nod my head and take off my shoes, putting the covers over top of us. I wrap my arm around her waist and my head on top of hers. She snuggled closer to me and you could tell I was loving every minute of this. I could hear her start to drift off very soon, and I didn't care, because right then and there- she was mine. My eyes were slowly falling, but before going deaf and holding her a little more tighter I heard the three little words I was waiting for long to hear. Very lightly, but audible-
I love you.
And just like that, I feel asleep with a smile on my face.

•YAY THERE TOGETHER- in a way! Lol. But two chapters in one night?!?! I'm proud my darlings, I'm proud. You guys want to see some pictures of me, follow me on
Instagram- aurora.x.cruz.
... But get ready for drama and fights, this won't be easy.! Stay tuned ! Love you guys!•

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