Question ?

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Hi guys, I just want to say , I'm thinking about deleting this book, because I don't really like it. But I'm going to start a new one.
- I just want y'all's opinion. PLEASE comment or inbox me your ideas.
-Also I want to start a new book called ' All About Me! ' . But I need questions. -.- lol. So inbox me/comment questions and I would be more than happy to answer them.
- back to the story... I need a helper. Some one to tell me the lines of the show, because I want to add their characters into action the same as the show but add a little aurora-spice here and there, ya know?.

Please PLEASE please tell me, don't be ashamed. Taking in any requests, and open to any new ideas. THANK YOU SO MUCH (Any names for you guys? Like fan base names?) for now SURVIVORS ! 😈🆗

Dixon LoverWhere stories live. Discover now