The awakening

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•Hope's p.o.v.•

I woke up shuffling on the cold hard ground. I guess sleeping in cold dirty grass wasn't the best option, but I had to sleep one way. Well that, and there wasn't really much of a choice.

I sat up, elbows on the grass, my skin getting dirtier by the second. Well , doesn't really matter now, huh ? Whose left to impress ?

Jay (my brother) was sat up, gathering our bags.
"You stayed up didn't you?" I asked, getting up on my feet, dusting off my clothes and strapping my knife into its holster. I had it with my the whole night, glued to my palm. I wouldn't dare sleep without a weapon. Not in the wild.

"Yeah." he answered, giving me a quick glance. His eyes were glowing red, and I knew he needed sleep. But he refused and insisted I needed sleep more than he did. Not that it really helped anyways.

I looked around. This world is lonely and no longer a creator of beauty. It was now filled with creatures that ruled the soil.

"You ok?" asks Jay, getting worried. I shook my head, making sure he understood I would be fine. What's to really care, this worlds probably safer than my own home.

We continued to collect our items, and before heading off, I shook off the remaining dust my clothes held, I took one last glance at the world and we were gone.

With a new day and new deaths.

Dixon LoverWhere stories live. Discover now