Im all alone..

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•Hope's p.o.v•
Everything was happening so fast. Nevaeh being eaten. Us running for our lives. I got done stabbing a walker in my way. Sophia was beside me and Jay on the other side. I heard Sophia's scream and turned around, worried. I saw Sophia trip and about five walkers tearing up her fresh body. I tried not to cry, but two deaths less then five minutes ? What else would happen. I couldn't hear nothing. Every noise faded. I could see Jay scream and fresh hot tears streaming down his face. I looked back and tugged at Jay's shoulder,we were stuck and I couldn't do nothing. Finally everything was back, and every noise and motion was happening quicker then ever before. I stabbed two walkers and jay stabbed the others. We were back to back, shielding each other. I was clear right now, but I heard Jay finalize his words.
" Go." he says, neither of us Turing
" No, not without you." I say back, killing a walker. He turned around and I did the same. He hugged me very tight, and there was no need to tell me that tears were down my face. I could fell the hot tears running down my checks, and me trying not to louder than i already was.He let go and rest his arms on my shoulder.
" Listen.." he sniffles.
" You'll make it. You're strong and I'm going to see you succeed in this nightmare. Go without me. This was gods way. It was going to go down like this, whether we like it or not.." He continued while I shook my head and kept mumbling no, no.
" I need you." I say.
" No, you don't. You got a good group. Tell the rest i'll miss them, especially Daryl. They will take care of you, most specially Daryl.Just go. Please? Nobody will hurt you. I will be watching over you with the rest. Be careful, and fight for me.Remember, I love you." He says, hugging me one last time and kissing my forehead. I hugged back so tight I'm sure I left nail marks on his shoulder.
" Go, and show us how to survive." He says last. I nod and wipe my tears, turning around and killing a walker that was close. Before he was gone he handed me his gun, and the snipper he was able to get out of Sophia's hands. He runs down the road, yelling and motioning his arms for every walker to see. I notice one by one the walkers start getting attracted to the food, and limp over there. He looks at me one more time before mouthing an i love you, and being gnawed on the back of his neck, of a walker he was unaware of. His face was pure agony and pain. I couldn't really hear nothing, but i'm sure he screamed really loud, it'd attract almost every living thing- once alive or still os. I gather up my tears and push myself out the crowded town and make my way up the road, killing the very occasional walker. I finally made it out, but never stopped running. I got to the main road and bent over on my knees, trying to recollect my oxygen. I gained control again, and headed towards the town. I didn't know if it was real or not. The three deaths in front of my face. One after the other. I thought I could beat the world together. Not by myself. With the help of Jay. My Family. I could tell I cried the whole way home. I just didn't have the courage to wipe my tears off and so I kept on. I dragged my useless body out towards the entrance gate. My body was lifeless. I didn't knock on the gate, instead lean on it and cried. I slid down the steel and huddled myself alone. I could care less if a walker just came and torn my body in half like they did to my brother... to Sophia.. Nevaeh. I finally got back up and kicked the gates. A few seconds later, they were opened and I was revealed back inside. They people that opened the gates saw me, and said nothing. They were shocked and could tell something went wrong. My eyes felt puffy and red, from the swelling of the crying. I probably would still be crying, but i feel pretty drained, and my eyes feeling heavy and sleepy. I looked at them, and they looked sorry. I put my head down and walked inside, past the gates that once kept my brother alive, handing the men the guns. I keep walking till I find the house. I walk up the porch, slowly, but I continue. I open the door and walk inside. I close it and just stand there. I heard laughs and don't move or say nothing.
" Are you- Hope?" I heard a voice say. I look up and see Maggie. She looks at me worried and the other guys start to appear one by one.
" What happened?" she asks. I shake my head. Once more feeling the tears brimming my eyes, not daring to leave yet.
" Their dead." I whisper. They look at me either sad or confused.
" Sophia...."
" Nevaeh....."
" ....Jay....." I say the last part barely audible.
" I couldn't keep them safe. I tried. I really did... But I couldn't. I'm not you, or you , or you! " I yell, getting mad. I direct my fingers toward Daryl, Glenn, and the whole group. They look at me really disappointed for probably blaming myself on this.
" Don't blame this on yourself.." Says Glenn, stepping near me. I pull out my knife and look at them. I feel slightly guilty, which is the only emotion beside sadness and anger to run through my veins. I put it back and run upstairs, locking the door behind me. I go towards the bed, and just let them wash all over me. The pain, depression. Everything. I get up and grab some undergarments and a shirt with some leggings. I go to the bathroom and open it, locking it behind me. I turn on the water and strip down my named body. I look in the mirrors before my eyes to see what I looked like. Man, it was worst then when I got here. My eyes are a deep shade a red, and I could tell they would be swelled by tomorrow morning. I entered the bath tub and just stood their, arms hugging my own self, not wanting or needing the comfort of others. I sniffle and did nothing. That's when I heard a knock.
" Is anyone in there?" they ask pretty loudly from the taps of the water on the walls. I didn't answer. I couldn't.
" Hello?" they repeated over and over again. I finally couldn't hear nothing but the crash of my own body. Then....darkness.

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