People ?

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•Hope's p.o.v•

I hurriedly stopped playing and jogged down the wet dirt path, grabbing Jay by his hand and pulling him along behind me. I settled down behind a tree bark, with Jay covering my back.

"The canteens." Whispered Jay, watching them sit freely in the middle of the grass dripping freely. I mumbled a couple of curse words, and responded.

"We'll have to get them later. Nows not a good choice." I whispered. I set my crossbow in my knees, while I swiftly collected my hair into a ponytail with an everlasting hair tie. It got easier to see with my hair out of my face, but the rain was pouring down harder than ever before. I started to actually worry about this.

I looked both ways, and just when I was about to go and collect our water, footsteps seemed to approach, and I dipped into a near by bush. The footsteps seemed to get louder and louder as more appeared behind the first set.

I glanced secretively behind my shoulder to notice Jay was hiding and keeping it quiet. It's about time. I stayed quiet and hidden, while I awaited for the people to pass, and seemed to take forever. That's until they stopped walking.

Oh shit, I thought. They found us. I gripped my crossbow quite tightly that my knuckles turned white. I bit down on my lips and held in my breath.

"Wait, look. " a voice seemed to speak and I was sure Jay and I were goners. But they didn't seem to come look around to slice our throats off.

"Five water canteens?" Questioned a female.
"Guess were not alone." Answered back a male voice. I opened my eyes and slowly let out a small sigh. I glanced around on the low, and saw Jay. He held up his hand as to stop and I nodded, freezing once again.

I saw a bottle get thrown to a tree, and the water spilled. I got angry, but kept my silence as I was told to do. My water bottle.

"Guess they left them here." Said a deep voice. "They seemed to have left them here and filled them up with the rainstorm." Really? I asked myself. You're so smart: sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and continued on eves-dropping.

"Take them with us. If they used to rain they can't have been poisoned." And with that little sentence, they gathered our canteens and took off.

"Hope, what are we going to do?! Those were out only containers!" Yelled Jay. He continued to pace back and forth and I stood there, crossbow dangling on my shoulder, while thinking of a way to get our water back.

"Hope?! Do you even hear?!" He yelled, snapping a finger in front of my face. The rain continued to pour, and right now Jay was helping none at all.

"C'mon, we're going to go find them and get our canteens back." I said. I took off my crossbow and held it firm, ready to shoot. Jay didn't seem to do much but grasp his gun and walk along beside me, also ready to fire.

"I heard something about a barn. You hear anything?" asked Jay. I shook my head no, "about as much as you." I state. His nodded, and stopped to take a breather. I looked around, deciding it was clear and stayed alert, while also resting my feet.

"Will we find them?" Asks Jay. I didn't really know how to respond or if I wanted to. There wasn't much of an answer to it, and I think he knew it as well, but maybe he thought if I had hope, he would find some too.

I sighed, and before I could respond, I heard the slamming of wooden doors a couple steps ahead. I swung my head around and crossed my eyebrows. Jay stood up, and held his hand gun raised. We walked slowly down the dirt path that was soaked, and went underneath a bush.

I motioned for Jay to stay silent and he obeyed. I looked around carefully, noticing the group that seemed to surround the house. A young boy had a hat covering over I guessed what was a baby. There was an middle aged man with a beard, and another one with a crossbow.

I silently wished it was Daryl, but I never had enough faith and hope to think he would still survive to this day, on this earth. But there's one thing keeping me going. He's a Dixon. And Dixon's don't go down without a fight.

All kinds of people seemed to surround the old broken down barn and awaited for something.

"Hey!" I immediately gripped Jay's hand and yanked him back down, giving him a smack in the head.
"What are you doing?!" I asked angered. He looked at me, before returning back up to get the groups attention once again.

I heard the clicks and motions of guns pointing near the bush, and I grasped my crossbow as hard as I could. Ain't no living way in hell will they shoot Jay.

"I don't want no harm." Jay tried to reach out, but I didn't hear the clicks lower down. I didn't want to just sit here, so I yelled out "Don't fire, were coming out!". I popped up behind the bushes and was able to survey the group of people more attentively.

"Lower your weapons!" The man with the beard demanded us, an with seconds hesitation, I put down my crossbow and Jay lowered his handgun to the ground. We raised our arms in the air to prove we were unarmed.

The bearded man seemed to walk over to a young woman with short brown hair, next to what seemed to be a china-man and discuss something with them. The young girl and the Asian walked over with their guns raised, and took our weapons.

They grabbed us by our upper arms and dragged us near the rest. By that time everyone was looking, and I had clear vision of what I was seeing.

"What do you want?" asked the man. I sifted and glanced at Jay, who seemed pretty relaxed and chilled for a person who just got their weapons taken and and basically being held hostage at the moment.

"We want our canteens please." responded Jay. I looked back and seen the crossbow man with the young boy, protecting her from the rain. I grinned a little, but it seemed to disappear faster than before.

"Here." said the young woman, and I carefully took them without moments hesitation. "And our weapons." I asked. They hesitated at first, but gave us our weapons back.

I was able to adjust it on my shoulder, and was mumbling a goodbye until Jay had to open his mouth. "Can we stay?" I face palmed and mentally killed Jay.

A woman walked out the barn and seemed to be in her own world, but let in her group, probably signaling that the barn was clear for rest. I was observing the place, before having my weapon taken away again, and I kept in my anger.

"You guys try anything, and I won't hesitate to kill you, got it?" whispered the man on the low. It was just is three, and it was obvious this was going to be an interesting night.

"Okay." was all I responded before we walked in.

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