Just Another Day

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•Hope's p.o.v.•

I focused on the branches of the trees beneath my feet that were somehow pulled off the bark of the trees surrounding us.

"Where we headed?" Jay spilled. You could tell by his voice he was tired and there wasn't much energy left in him. I didn't know how to respond, overlooking that we weren't exactly heading anywhere special. Just trying to avoid the walkers.

"Somewhere." I replied, less hope in my voice every day. I looked up, and could hear the moans and groans of walkers ahead. About a couple of walkers, more than one since they're loud moans.

"Shit." I mumbled. I looked back, and stared at Jay with "the look". He slightly nodded, and slid his knife from his knife holder. I took mine out from the holster as well. Soon enough, about 5 walkers emerged from the nature scenery. I sighed, and fiercely walked up to one, stabbing it right in the eye.

I took it out, blood squirting everywhere on my black already dirty shirt. I scrunched my nose and moved to my left side to stab the other walker that was approaching its meal. I yanked my knife out and whipped the sweat mixed with blood off my face.

I looked over to see Jay pulling out his knife and tugging it back in his holster after whipping it off on his clothes. I kept mine out, just for safety precautions. I continued to lead the way, after picking up our items, with Jay trudging along behind.

I heard the crunching of leaves and stopped straight in my tracks, searching and bent down on knees. I pulled my crossbow out, and slid my knife back in its place, getting my more useful weapon ready to fire. Jay took notice of what I was doing, and retrieve his handgun from the back of his pants.

He bent down below, behind a bush and waited for my signal that it was clear. But I had a feeling it wasn't. Not yet anyways. I look over at him and nod, letting him know we got to move ahead. He looks me dead in the eyes, telling me to go. I rose up, knees still bent, moving forward, while hearing Jay right behind me.

I followed the noise more up ahead, and saw the black concrete of an old torn up road, that used to be filled up with cars. I bent back down, keeping it low and could hear the faint talks of a couple of people. there has to be others, I told myself.

Before Jay and I could quietly move back, thundering was heard in the sky and I looked at Jay for a moment. I couldn't believe it. After several months that felt of a drought, it was finally going to happen. "Jay, get the canteens!" I demanded, reaching for my own as well.

We seemed to pull them out at the right time, allowing the free cold rain hit the bottom of the canteens and our faces. My crossbow was hanging off my shoulder, and I simply looked up at the sky with a sigh of happiness.

I saw Jay from the corner with his hands open wide and his mouth just as big, engulfing the cold water in his parched mouth. I couldn't resist the urge of smiling, and maybe even laugh a little.

My hair feel loosely, and my face, along with my body was getting washed cleaned. It didn't take long for the canteens to fill up, but Jay and I let the water fall freely off the top of the canteens.

All was fun and games, until I heard a voice say loudly "There's a barn!"

And that's when I knew play time was over.

Dixon LoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora