The Sleepover Part One

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Gray Pov:

Ugh, I sighed, eyes glued to my math book. I'm so tired, when was the last time I got a good night's rest? I don't have the slightest idea. I've been thinking of him too much, god I miss him. 

My hands instinctively reached up to run through my hair, a simple action in which I craved. Stephen would always do that when I felt sad or wasn't having a great day. He'd always take his hand and run it right through the center of my hair, and I'd always respond with a "Don't touch my hair".

Oh how the times change...

An action which I once saw as annoying, I now reach out to when I long for comfort. Comfort and rest. God I need to sleep.

"Gray?" Eugene asked from beside me, It had been a while since we'd spoke. If we'd been sitting in an awkward silence since then, I have no clue. I could only wish to be sat in silence, without the roaring sound of my own thoughts drowning out the lack of sound.

My eyes returned to my math book with ease, though my head struggled to, "Yes Eugene?" 

He looked at me, I could feel it. Perhaps it was in pity, or maybe he genuinely had asked a question I was yet to answer due to the lack of attention in which I could give him. 

"I was wondering if you were going to Ben's sleepover. They'll all come in here next break to ask." He replied, his eyes falling back on his own math book.

I wonder if Eugene ever had trouble sleeping, or any of the guys for that matter. I'd like to confide in them, to tell all of my most deep and troubling thoughts. But, is now really the time for a sob story? With the threat of Donald Na and the Union appearing every chance they got, is now really the time to tell them about Stephen?

No, I answered, No it is not.

"I might." Was my bland reply, I hardly even tried to sound remotely interested in whatever chaos was going to occur at Ben's house this weekend, and seeing as how it was Thursday, that future chaos had began to edge closer and closer to the present.

Maybe I should go, if I were to completely tire myself out making sure no one gets injured, and nothing gets broken, maybe it would help me sleep. 

I pondered the idea for a moment more.

Or maybe I'd just wake up someone at an ungodly time of the morning.

The door burst open with a loud, Thud!  As it hit the wall. And there he was, a man on a mission. The other guys have obviously already agreed to go, and he's here to convince me. I don't want to be the person who rains on their parade or ruins the atmosphere with a decline. They'd understand though, surely they would if I told them.

If I told them.

Which I could never.

Maybe I should just agree to go.

"Gray!" Ben exclaimed, acting as if he hadn't seen me in years, "I have a proposal for you!" He pulled up a chair across from me, to where we could sit face to face across my desk. Honestly it reminded me a tad of my first encounter with Phillip Kim, yet with much less malicious intent and more pure joy and friendly scheming.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes Ben, I'll come to your sleepover."

He paused mid gesture, perhaps he had prepared a big spectacle or scene, but to put it frankly I'm too tired for all of that, the pros out weigh the cons as of now. I might as well just go.

His hand quickly crossed my desk as he reached out the touch my forehead, "Are you sick?" He asked, and perhaps it made him think more so seeing as how I didn't push off his hand. Silently, one slowly dying part of myself thought he was going to, and wanted him to, run his hand through my hair. 

"No." I sighed, still ignoring his hand and looking past it, back down to my notebook.

"Are you su-"

"I'm fine Ben." I cut him off before he could get the words out, if he asked me again then I might break down and tell him what's the matter, and I can't do that. Not now.

Perhaps it came out a bit snappier than I would've wanted, maybe I should've used a softer tone, but that doesn't matter now.

He opened his mouth as if he were going to say something else to me, maybe ask me again more soft, but instead of me cutting him off, the deafening sound of the school bell did. I didn't mean to, though I wasn't really thinking, shove my book and papers halfheartedly into my backpack, and cram my stationary into its designated pocket carelessly.

Then I did the unthinkable, I rushed out of the classroom without another word. Keeping my head down until I'd made my way to the bus stop, and even then I struggled to lift my eyes.

The entire ride I was quiet, my hands didn't even move to play my usual playlist for rising the bus. It was ignored. I felt like crap before this, before I was rude to the only people that have been nice to me here, my closest friends. And now, I dare say, I feel even worse. 

The ride felt like hours, yet at the same time flew by as if it had been mere seconds. Its kinda funny how time works sometimes isn't it?

I continued my previous pace, rushing into my flat, kicking off my shoes and flopping down on my bed. I'm so tired so very tired. But I can't sleep, no I can't.

I wanted to cry, and then upon the realization that nobody was here to hear me anyway, I wanted to more. But I couldn't, something inside of me wouldn't let me shed a single tear. So instead I just sat there blankly, stoic as ever. I wish someone was here, I don't want to be alone, I hate being alone. I took in a shuddering breath, in an attempt to start crying, but try as I might I couldn't. Crying would make me feel better, but then again, when would I ever let myself feel better.

Soon a small vibration from my pocket, distracted me from my thoughts. It was our group chat.

BigBen: So everyone is in right cause I am super exited

He still texts like a 12 year old.

Sneko: So, everyone is in right? Because I'm super excited.

Gogo: Leave it to gray to find all of our grammar mistakes.

Sneko: Grammatical mistakes

Glasses: Grammatical mistakes

BigBen: Lmao, anyway y'all are all coming right.

AustralianBastard: Yep!

Broccoli: Sure!

Gogo: Wouldn't miss it!

Catboy: K

Glasses: Of course

I took in another breath and held it till my lungs were screaming for oxygen and my mind was numbing. Perhaps that would let me override my better judgement.

Snecko: I'm not busy this weekend, so I'll be there.

BigBen: Alright sounds like a plan, don't worry guys, you will not regret this.

I most certainly hope I don't. 

I sigh, laying my phone down on my chest, and falling asleep to the sound of message chimes and the gentle vibration of the group chat.


{1206 words isn't bad for my first chapter, right? I'm looking forward to continuing this story. Hope y'all enjoyed, have a great day!}

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