Gray's Birthday

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I changed something minor and insignificant because it bothered me alot, sorry :')

Gray lies on his bed with his eyes focused on the black celling. There is no light in the room, but Gray finds that oddly comforting. Today is his birthday, a simple Saturday. He knows that when his friends asked him to hang out today, they were planning something. He didn't mind it; anything to keep his mind off of all the birthdays in the past.

He glances at the clock on his nightstand. 4:12.

Realizing he doesn't have to be anywhere for hours, he lets his mind rest and return to what it wishes to. He brings down his wall that blocks thoughts of Stephen.

Two years ago, three days before Gray's birthday

Stephen: Hey Gray, How are you?

The boys are walking to Gray's house. They had been walking, for about 7 minutes, in silence. Stephen's personality did not allow that to continue.

Gray: I'm fine, just thinking.

A look of concern passes Stephen's face. He finds himself staring at Gray.

Gray: What?

Stephen stops walking and quickly runs his hand through Gray's hair.

Stephen: You think too much.

Gray turns away muttering something inaudible, something along the lines of "Don't touch my hair." He didn't turn away because Stephen bothered him, he turned away to hide his face, which was pink with blush.

Stephen: So are you excited for your birthday?

Gray: I don't know. 

Stephen: What do you mean "I don't know"?

Gray: Isn't a birthday just another day.

Stephen turns to look at Gray again, but they don't stop walking this time. He knew Gray's parents really didn't care whether or not he was older, and definitely didn't celebrate his birthday.

Gray: Your doing the thing again.

Stephen: You look cute today.

Gray paused, and then continued. Stephen sometimes said the oddest things, which kinda hurt. He would call Gray "cute" or "pretty" but Gray knew he didn't mean it the way Gray wished. He wished that he would call him that and- well, that's not important, he glanced back at Stephen.

Gray: Your head's in the clouds again.

Stephen: Who'd want to have theirs's stuck on the ground?

Gray smiled, for he loved Stephen and his antics, perhaps a bit more than he should.

Stephen: So the fair is in town again.

Gray: So what?

Stephen: Don't you like the fair?

Gray shrugged.

Gray: I've never been.

Stephen gasped.

Stephen: Really?

Gray: Yea..

Stephen put his hands on Gray's shoulders and they stopped walking. 

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