Childhood Pt 1

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Julia's POV:

My brother was born on May 15, at 11:58. I was born on May 16, 12:03. Though we were twins, we had different birthdays, and it was really cool. Having a twin is fun, except for the fact that not all twins are wanted. Our mother was a beautiful young woman when she married, beautiful, young, and foolish. She was a sales woman, who met a sales man who worked at the same agency. They married eight months after they met. We were the product of that love.

Our mother did not want two children, and was not prepared to raise two children. Maybe she could have if our father showed any interest in us. However, he took one look at us and decided that mother had an affair, and that we were not his. My brother had gray hair, nobody on either side of the family had gray hair. Though I had black hair like my father, my brother and I had matching violet eyes, that nobody else had. He disliked us, though he did not leave mother.

Mother was ill prepared to raise us and said many questionable things to us. However, only one thing really stuck out, when we were four, "I did not want two," she stated, on the verge of tears, "You two better only make the amount of trouble as one child, or I'll get rid of you both." By the end she was crying uncontrollably on the floor. We never held it against her, she didn't deserve this.

Growing up, it seemed as if my brother tried to act as if he wasn't there. He never asked for things he couldn't get or do himself, and acted as if he didn't care if mother gave him any attention. He seemed to dislike all childish things such as friends, danger, and messiness; he was mature, reserved, cautious, and tidy. One day, I was curious as to why, so I asked him, "Why don't you act like a child Gray?" I awaited his answer. "I don't need to," he replied, "You can act like a child Julie, you can get into trouble and be messy and I'll take care of you." My brother had always been my favorite person, and I loved him more for his selflessness.

Somedays, father would come home from long business trips, and mother would put on make-up and her prettiest clothes. She would smile and hug him, while taking his coat and kissing his neck. Though he never paid any attention to her, sometimes he would even go as far as to push her away. Usually, he would let her finish, and then ask what dinner was. Every time he asked, you could see the brokenness in mother's eyes, she adored him, he was her everything. Yet he did not feel the same.

By the time we were six, mother went back to work. We began to attend school, kindergarten. We were placed in the same class thankfully, and sat next to each other. Gray was always quiet, and he did each of his assignments with diligence. He learned fast, and caught on rather quickly. He learned to read, write, multiply, add, and subtract by the time summer vacation came around. He never boasted about having better grades than me, or being more intelligent than me. He only ever asked me if I would like his help, and learned to explain things to me in the way a tutor would. He wrote notebooks for me with simple questions, and taught me the multiplication tables and how to work and evaluate word problems in every subject.

We were never hit by our parents, nor deprived of essential things. We always had food, a place to sleep, water, and whatever we asked for. Unless, what we asked for interfered with mother.       "Mom?" I asked from the door to mom's home office. She was on a call and hardly looked at me before saying, "Hold on a second," clicking the hold button she turned to me," What do you need Julia?" With a smile I said, "Will you watch this movie with me?" and held up a copy of High School Musical.

Her eyes were cold and held a glare, "Can't you see I'm busy? I don't have time for movies, I'm working." Without giving me a second thought she picked up the phone and began talking about work things again. I still stood there, loitering for a second to long. She turned to me and motioned with her hand for me to leave. So I did. I walked out of the room feeling dejected. Till I met Gray's eyes, "I'll watch the movie with you Julie." He said with a smile.

"But.. it's a musical, and aren't you busy?" I replied, my spirts still low. Gray's eyes were full of concern and his face showed confusion.                                                                                                              "I'm never too busy for you Julie." he stated as if it was a fact. I smiled, Gray was someone I could always count on, my other half, my favorite. The movie wasn't that great, but I smiled warmly the entire time. The words Gray said to me on that day were the words that stuck with me the longest.


So I'm planning on doing this in 3 parts, fingers-crossed. I decided to go from Julia's Pov just cause I thought it might be cool to have someone else's opinion on Gray as a child. Sorry if this contains too many theories. (Such as Gray and Julia being twins)

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!!!

Weak Hero Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora