The Olympiad Pt 3

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3rd person POV:

The small, grey-haired boy sat at his desk silently. Though his pencil flew across the page and his handwriting stayed even, the boy's head was filled with memories. He thought he had moved on from this, that he was okay now. He was wrong, all he could think of himself to be was a ticking time bomb. He worried that the next person to try to talk to him would be subject to his outburst. The bell rang, the class period has ended. Gray quickly grabbed all his things, shoving them carelessly into his bag. As soon as his stationary was picked up he quickly exited the classroom, ignoring the calls from his worried deskmate. He couldn't hear Eugene over the sound of the sentences being screamed in his own head.

He didn't stop, not for Eugene, not even as he passed Teddy in the hallway. "Hey Gray-" he had started, but Gray had long past him. Teddy stood there dumbfounded as Eugene quickly hurried after Gray, failing to get any farther than Teddy. By the time he had made it to the end of the hallway, Gray had left the building and was already across the street. "What's up with him?" Teddy asked Eugene. However, he was left without an answer, as Eugene had promptly marched to Alex's class. Teddy followed at his heels, he was somewhat scared. All he knew was that Gray had left SCHOOL, his favorite place, and that Eugene was angrily walking to Ben and Alex's class. He wished that he could have some understanding of the situation, although it seemed that Eugen had just one thing on his mind. "Hey!" Eugene yelled from the door of Alex's class. Alex's head shot up and so did Ben's beside him. "WHAT IN THE WORLD ALEX" Eugene yelled. Alex without even a moment to reply wore a look of confusion. "WHY DID YOU GIVE HIM THAT STUPID PAPER?!" Eugene continued, Ben quickly stood up and tried to calm Eugene down. 

Eventually, he succeeded, and Eugene sat on a desk with his head in his hands. Alex walked over and promptly asked, "What happened with the paper? I thought he would like the idea." Eugene met his eyes, 

"I Don't Know."

"What do you mean you "Don't know"?"

Eugene took in a deep breath, "He had a panic attack Alex." Alex looked panicked, as did Ben and Teddy. "WHAT?" Ben said loudly, it was just barely above his normal loud volume, but it had heightened with stress.

 "I don't know," Eugene repeated, "You guys gave it to him and left, he opened it and.." 

Everyone looked at Eugene. "And..?" Teddy asked. 

Eugene hesitated and took in another deep breath, "His hands shook, and he looked terrified."

Nobody dared to say a word, this was something unheard. Gray was scared? They had heard of Gray's behavior on the rooftop fight with Wolf. They had heard that he had a look of fear. But never had they considered it to this extent.
"What did you give him?" Teddy questioned, breaking the silence.
All eyes were on Alex, who stood there, seeming to be unprepared to speak. "Umm.. well," he fumbled, "Rowan and I saw a paper on the bulletin board for a sort of academic event and-"

"THE OLYMPIAD?!" Ben interrupted. Alex simply looked at the floor and nodded. Ben put his head in his hands. "Well now we've done it," He stated, "We broke him; been friends for a couple of months and we already ruined this friendship." Ben finished with a look of sadness. "Wait," Eugene asked, "Why, won't he feel better eventually, he'll forgive us. Right?" Ben didn't look at Eugene or Alex, nor did he look at Teddy. He simply sat there solemnly. 

"Why?" Alex asked, his voice small and full of regret. 

Ben hesitated and drew in a deep breath, "It's not my story to tell," he said, "But to summarize, last time Gray went to an Olympiad, something so bad happened that it emotionally scarred him. It hurt him so badly that it broke him." "I though we were helping, and he was healing. But it seems as if he still struggling." Nobody made a sound, and they dared to breath. They hadn't known. How could they have?

"No," Eugene said firmly, while grabbing his bag, "Gray is our friend, if he is hurting we should help him." As he finished, the others had started to gather their things. 

All of them hanging on to the hope that Gray would forgive them, and that balance would be restored. That they could help him, that everything would be alright.


Hey guys~

So I'm sorry for taking so long. I love writing, but I hate the idea of writing, you know? Like I'll say "Oh I gotta write today, its been days. Ugh I don't want to." then whenever I do start writing its all "OMG YES THIS IS PERFECT. WAIT 800 WORDS ALREADY, NOOOOOOOO I JUST WANNA KEEP WRITING." And I've been spending all my time on this game I found, its kinda stupid but I'm obsessed. Its called "The Ants: Underground Kingdom." Its great, I recommend it.

Yea, so all that aside have a lovely day, night, or whatever. Thanks for reading.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1: Don't forget Mother's Day is Sunday❤❤

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