I thought it would be funny

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This is a short crack-fic. Slight sexual hinting, btw, It's kind of like "that's what she said jokes." But if you don't like that, I don't recommend reading, and maybe just skipping to the Author's note. Ty <3 Another chapter will be out at the same time, so you could go there If you'd like, the Author's note there is kinda important, if you could read it, it'd mean the world. Enjoy.


All the boys were hanging out at Ben's house, this statement includes Stephen.

Ben's living room had two couches, on one was Ben and Alex, sitting side by side, and then also Gerard. On the other was Gray, Stephen, and Eugene. Teddy and Rowan were lying in the floor with Ben's dog.

And lets just say, Alex was in a silly, goofy, mood. And looking to cause some chaos.

Everyone was chatting and having a good time as Alex schemed, waiting for the perfect moment to put his plan into action. He listened into other people's conversations eagerly.

"Why do you work problems like that?" Stephen asked Gray, in reference to the way he worked a certain type of math problem.

Gray shrugged in response.

"You should work it like this, its better." He smiled, as Gray handed him his pencil, and showed Gray a more efficient way to work the problems.

"Alright, thanks." He replied and returned Stephen's smile.

This was the perfect opportunity for Alex, "Gray listens so well to Stephen, guess grades isn't the only thing he tops him in."

Of course this sparked many feelings in the room, from a few, himself, Ben, Gerard, laughter. Slight fear, Eugene, and Teddy. And embarrassment, Stephen, who was blushing and at a loss for words. Gray remained as he had before, still doing homework.

Alex reached down to drink his water and nearly choked trying to drink it while still laughing. He coughed a couple times, a couple of the boys shot him a glance. Though his dear friend, Ben didn't seem to care and continued what he was doing. Rookie mistake.

This sparked a different reaction from an unexpected victim.

"Wow Ben really didn't care, " Gray began, his stoic expressions changing into a smirk, "Guess he's used to watching you choke."

Alex flushed completely, and surprisingly so did Ben.

The way Gray sat made him look like an innocent little kid, crisscross with his big, bright, eyes glittering with amusement. But his smile, well that was different. Stephen, who was sitting next to him still, was attempting to hide his smile, and hold in his laugh. 

"What the hell? Where did that come from?" Gerard asked, filling the silence caused by contained laughter and confusion.

Gray smiled a bit more, looking up from his homework, "Have you not heard the way people talk to me? If I hadn't picked up anything from all that I'd be disappointed in myself."

The boys were quiet for a moment more.

"Oh how to turns have tabled." Teddy said as the boys began to erupt into laughter, despite Ben and Alex's shushing of their cackles.


Ayo, its me.

I though this was funny, its pretty short, I haven't updated in years. My bad kekw.

Anyway if you made it here, ty. Another chapter should be out shortly, so that those of us who didn't read this, still get an update. 

Ummm... I'm low on ideas for this. Might end it.


I am low on ideas but I'd be happy to take requests, even though I might get carried away and they might not be executed exactly as you pictured.

Anyway, see ya'll in a few.

Continue to next chapter for a better (And really, super, long) Author's note.

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