Random Story Number IDK

402 20 7

[TW://Mentions Family Trauma//}

Imagine this is around the holidays. Ty.

The boys had spent a good portion of the Friday afternoon hanging around. It was the last day before Winter Break, and school had gotten out a few hours ago. The boys were having a wonderful time together.

Though, Ben's mom had just had him come home, as had Alex's; Gerard was leaving, and Eugene and Rowan had said their goodbyes and walked off.

Now it was just Teddy and Gray.

Teddy had done everything in his power to stay with everyone for as long as he could, he didn't want to go home yet. Not yet.

Gray sat on the bench, scrolling through his phone, relatively unbothered, and didn't seem to have much of an agenda.

"Do you have plans for the upcoming holiday?" Teddy asked hesitantly, without realizing it, he had begun to chew on his fingernails.

"Not really?" Gray raised an eyebrow, "You don't want to go?"

"No.." He replied flatly, he silently hoped Gray wouldn't ask for an elaboration. Not that he wouldn't give it, but he really didn't want to.

Gray sighed and put away his phone as he leaned back against the bench, "I don't either."

"Why's that?" Teddy question, perhaps being a tad hypocritical.

He smiled, "I'm going to my mother's house, instead of back to my flat." It slowly faded away, "But she won't be back from work until late tomorrow evening."

Teddy leaned back as well, "So you're all alone?"

"Seem as if it's so."

The boys sat in a calm silence, listening to the sounds of the city slowly die down, the birds no longer chirped, the cars zoomed by less, the hoards of people had dispersed.

"Hey Teddy?" Gray asked into still air, one hand pushing the bangs from his forehead, the other raised to check his watch.


"You wanna just come home with me?"

Teddy was silent for a moment. He hesitated, "But it's the holiday season, like where you hang out with family..." he sighed, "Wouldn't you want to hang out with yours?" the question was added silently.

Gray's soft smile returned, "Oh c'mon," he started, "You could stay, and we could order in for dinner. And get this!"

Teddy turned to look at him.

"I could make you microwave pancakes, from the freezer, for breakfast." His eyes glittered with excitement, and his features were soft.

He could feel himself mirroring Gray's excitement.

"Oh wow," He smirked, "If you promise me all that, I'm gonna have to marry you."

Gray faked a gasp, "Hold on, let me go change my Facebook status real quick."

The pair erupted into laughter. 

Gray stood up, and extended a hand to Teddy. "C'mon, it'll be fun."

After a moment's hesitation, he took it.




Gray's mom's house was impressive. Two stories, white walls, inside and out, with grey and black trims and accents.

Gray ushered him up the stairs, he followed without a second thought.

"I could be leading you to your death and you'd still just follow me." Gray remarked, opening a white door, to reveal a bedroom.

Black bed, pillows, and sheets, with several different indie band posters on the walls, and a large bookshelf on the far side.

"21 pilots fan?" 

Gray smiled and nodded shyly as he headed for a closet near the bookshelf.

He rummaged around in it for a moment, cluttering sounds followed his actions, eventually he pulled out a cot, which was promptly set up. It seemed like it would be difficult to set it up, but Gray didn't have single struggle

"You just have a cot? In your closet?" he asked, "Did you have many sleepovers in middle school?" a small laugh followed that.

Gray paused and sat down on the floor, his back gently pressed against the foot of his bed, "Well.. my friend Stephen used to stay over here a lot,"

Gray hardly ever talked about Stephen, so just saying his name made Teddy divert all his attention to the story about to be told.

"And every now and then, when my father would come home and my parents would fight, I'd just spontaneously stay at his house, till my father left."

Teddy sat down next to Gray, their shoulder's brushed from how close it was, against Gray's bed, he could feel the cool metal frame through his shirt.

"He had one at his house too, the same type, so we wouldn't have to make pillow pallets in our floors every night." Gray smiled bittersweetly, adding that part, almost as if he wanted to change the subject.

"Were you scared of your dad?" Teddy asked, his voice just over a whisper.

Gray's volume matched Teddy's, "I still am."

Teddy didn't respond, for just a moment, he felt like Gray got it, he understood. 

He didn't notice how he'd leaned he head on Gray's shoulder, or how Gray had held his shaking hand. Instead he just closed his eyes, "I don't want to go home." his volume was left unchanged, and a tad more desperate.

Gray rubbed Teddy's hand with his thumb, "I know."

That was all he'd said.

That was all he had to.

He didn't want to be weak around Gray, if anything, given their history, he should act stronger around him. 

However, there was just something about Gray. That just let him be vulnerable.




Who knows how long they'd sat there like that. Talking in shushed tones, leaned against the bed. His head on Gray's shoulder, his trembling hand soon soothed like his emotions.

After a while, Gray had asked Teddy if he was okay, and when the answer to his question was yes, he suggested getting food. Seeing as how the boys had not eaten since lunch, even though they had been hanging out with Ben, who claimed his mom told him not to eat out because she was cooking.

He agreed, food did sound nice.

Despite them agreeing that they needed food, neither wanted to get up. Instead Gray just fished his phone from his pocket, and scrolled through a list of places with delivery. 

"Would you be down for pasta?" He asked.

Teddy nodded, he really didn't mind, it was just nice to be here, with Gray. With anyone.

Gray questioned him a tad more about his order, and eventually placed it without much trouble. 

"Are you sure you feel better?" His voice was filled with concern, and Teddy found that incredibly comforting.

"Yea," he stood and stretched, "Thank you." His hand extended to Gray, who was still on the ground.

Gray smiled.


Proof I can write sweet friendships that don't turn into ships. 

I thought this out during school the other day and I was so worried that I might forget the whole storyline before I got it down.

I'm changing my username again btw, unless it already did that. In that case, then umm... here's the warning, better late then never kekw.

ANYWAY, tysm for reading, it means so much to me, for real, and have a wonderful whenever friends, wherever you are on our globe!

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