Random Mini Story 2

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It's Saturday and Ben is incredibly bored, so he convinces Eugene, Alex, and Gerald to hang out with him.

Ben: What do y'all want to do?

Alex: I dunno, your the one who called us here.

Ben: I called you here because I needed you to tell me what you think we should do.

Alex: Ugh, we need someone else to decide what we should do.

Everyone: *Looks at Eugene*

Eugene: What?

Alex and Ben: Call your mom.

Eugene: Oh, ok

Eugene: *Calls Gray*

On the phone:

Gray: Yes, Eugene?

Eugene: Oh.. so.. what should me, Ben, Alex, and Gerald do?

Gray: I don't know, something that doesn't involve danger or stupidity?

Ben: *Yelling* Why don't you come hang out with us?

Gray: No.

Ben: Why not?

Gray: Because I am reading.

Ben: *Annoyed* Your always reading.

Gray: Yes, but this time I am at home and I am warm.

Everyone: *Knows Gray is always cold because he is small*

Ben: Where do you live? We can come pick you up.

Gray: No

The next day with Alex, Ben, Gerald, and Eugene:

Ben: Do you know why I called this meeting?

Gerald: Because you like to disrupt our days?

Ben: No, because we were so rudely rejected by Gray.

Alex: Oh, I fear what comes next.

Ben: So therefore, today we shall find Gray's flat.

Gerald: How do you know he lives in a flat.

Ben: Because he mentioned it one time, several months ago.

Alex: And you can't remember what you had for lunch yesterday.

Gerald: If we do this, going blindly off the fact that he lives in a flat, it's going to take all day.

Ben: *Excited* Yes, I know. And that is why we have our secret weapon.

Everyone else: *Genuine fear*

Ben: Eugene!!!

Eugene: Wait, why me?

Ben: Rowan said once, that you went to Gray's flat.

Eugene: *Thinking*

Eugene: *Thinks harder*

Eugene: *Remembers* Oh, yea

Ben: So he already knows where it is, so it'll be easy to find.

Eugene: One flaw in your plan.

Ben: What?

Eugene: I only remember part of where it is.

Alex: What do you mean part?

Eugene: Well, the number on the door is three digits, I know that much, and the first digit is the number 2.

Ben: That's still better than nothing, so let's go.

After walking to the beginning of the 200's:

Ben: Alright, let's go we got this.

By the number 250:

Alex: Are you sure none of these places look familiar?

Eugene: No, they are all too decorative, Gray's house is plain.

By 270:

Gerald: I'm ready to give up.

Alex: Yea, me to-

Eugene: It that one!!!!

Ben: *Runs over to the flat and takes a picture of the number on the door* 272

Everyone: *Stands there awkwardly*

Gerald: Who's going to knock.

Alex: It was Ben's Idea.

Ben: Ok.. I'll knock.

Ben: *Knocks on the door*



Too Quiet

Ben: I guess he's no-

The door: *Magically opens*

Gray: *The one who opened the door*

Ben: Hi Gray!

Gray: *Visible confusion* Good morning?

Alex: Afternoon?

Everyone: *Realizes Gray's hair is messed up and he is wearing an oversized black hoodie, and black shorts that barely reach his knees*

Everyone but Eugene: *Blushing because Gray would literally be the cutest thing ever dressed like this*

Eugene: Oh.. did we wake you up?

Gray: Yea.. I was kind of planning on sleeping in today.

Eugene: So do you want to hang out or...

Gray: Oh, yea sure, sounds like more fun then sleeping.

Gray: *His eyes drift over to where the other guys are flustered*

Gray: *Just now remembers that he is in Pajamas*

Gray: *Smiles a teasing smile* But I guess I'll have to change for their sakes.

Alex: No it's okay. *Visible death*

Gray: *Still smiling to tease them* Ok, so y'all can come in, I'm going to my room to change.

Eugene: Oh, ok, cmon guys.

Everyone: *Follows Eugene*


So, ummm.... I have no idea what happened here. I guess I'm just super bored, and decided that the mini-stories don't have to have a purpose. My next fic is going to be about how I imagined Gray's homelife was and his childhood. So umm... if your not a fan of the idea, sorry? 

Serious question: Which way do y'all prefer the dialogue to be shown, the way I did in my first fanfic or the way I do in the mini-stories. I really would like to know, so I can make my stories easier to follow. Have an amazing day tomorrow guys 😁

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