Roadtrip Pt.5

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The boys had begun the setting up of their camp area, with no other campers in sight. It was only then that Ben realized, "Hey we didn't buy campsite food."

Alex scoffed, "Should've packed it."

Teddy promptly elbowed him in the ribs, "We could take the car and get some things from the Walmart down the way a couple miles."

"Yea, but not all of us, seeing how we need to set up." Ben thought for a moment, "We need a driver, so Gerard will go, and Teddy for fun, along with an adult, so Gray, and then Alex to hold up the buddy system."

"Any objections?" Ben asked, nobody complained. "Good."

Alex looked over at Gray, he still looked somewhat tired for a moment, before he seemed to push it away. How peculiar.

As the boys loaded into the van, Ben yelled "Have fun!" as the tent rods he was working on crumpled completely. 

"So are we going to go to the store, get the things, come back and then make the tents?" Teddy asked, climbing into the passenger seat.

"Most likely." Gray answered, getting in the back with Alex.




"So where's the turn?" Gerard asked.

Nobody said a word.

He continued, "I feel like I'm just driving into the forest."

"Well there's a road there, it has to go somewhere." Teddy replied, searching it up on his phone.

"No shit." Alex piped in.

Teddy rolled his eyes, "I don't have reception."

The boys bickered.

Gray stretched a tad, "Go left on the next turn, we came in this way from the South, so going from this angle, we'll be trying to go North."

Gray gave a few other directions, each with less explanation. However, within moments, the ranger's station appeared in the distance.

"Wow that's impressive." Alex stated, momentarily ceasing his fighting with Teddy.

"Simp." Is all Teddy had to say about that.

While Alex and Teddy returned to their fight, Gray softly gave Gerard directions and struck conversation with him.

"You're using actual directions to tell where to go?"

"My sister has me saved in her phone as 'Google Maps'"

That one actually cracked Gerard up, "Really?"

Gray nodded.

Sometime during their conversation, as the Walmart made it's way into the background, the other two boys had settled down, for the most part, and were listening to the Gerard and Gray talk.

As the boys continued their chatter, Gerard parked. 

"As Ben said," He began, "Buddy system."

Naturally it was assumed that Teddy and Gerard would shop together, and then that would leave Alex and Gray.

And as they entered, and split up, Alex just had to shout, "I swear to god, If we have to come find y'all, and you're fucking in a corner somewhere, I'm gonna be pissed."

The pair were flushed and made their way in the exact opposite direction of Alex.

And as he planned to make some smug remark about them running off, he caught Gray's smile and laugh out of the corner of his eye.

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