The Sleepover Pt2

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Gray's POV:

 I'm just trying to study. If I ignore them, maybe they will go away. I looked up for a second and saw Alex, Gerald, Eugene and Ben planning on meeting on the rooftop. I can't, I can never go up there again, I was crazy to fight there, even crazier to go up there the day I got back from my hospitalization. "Did y'all bring your clothes and whatever else you need?" Alex question. Oh, right, today was the day of the sleepover. I really don't want to go, but I will since everyone else is in.

 "Are you excited Gray?" Rowan said, his normal excited-over-nothing attitude was showing. "Sure.." I answered, my voice trailing off at the end. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot," Ben started, "You cannot bring any means of education to the sleepover." I just looked at him, ugh of course. Everyone kinda looked at Ben with surprize, since it was unlike me not to bring something to read at least. I don't have the energy to argue with him so I simply reply "Sure, whatever you say." I guess that was a red flag of some sorts, since immediately after I spoke everyone acted odd. "Are you ok Gray?" Eugene said. No, of course i'm not ok. I feel like crap and I just want a good night of sleep, but I didn't say that, I could never say that to them. "I'm perfectly fine." my words had sharpened, but I assumed they wouldn't catch it.

The bell rang, loud and crisp. Everyone went to their own classrooms, and left me and Eugene alone in ours. Nobody else would come in for at least five minutes, Eunjang students were not very punctual. Eugene was someone I could always counts on to not bother me, he seemed to do everything in his power to make sure I went along my day undisturbed by him. Eugene would never ask me stupid questions, or bother me about pointless things. This I could count on him for. He didn't say anything as he sat down in his chair. He pulled out a simple algebra book and started flipping through pages.

He finally reached a page, and pushed his book slowly onto my desk. "Could you help me with this?" he asked. Oh, Eugene knows just how to calm me down. "Yea." I said, almost eager to explain how to work this incredibly simple problem. I could tell, just by looking at his face half-way through my explanation, he knew how to work this problem, he was just helping me. Maybe this sleepover won't be too bad. I gave him one of my rare smiles, then continued to explain it loosely, since it was obvious he didn't need my help with this.

After School:

I'm really going to Ben's house, with everyone else. Wow, I didn't really expect to get this far. Ben opened his house with a small silver key and then said "My parents aren't home this weekend, so we really don't have to be quiet." What kind of parents would leave Ben alone. I guess i'll just have to make sure nothing gets broken. We walked in, and to my surprize, it was relatively tidy. "We're all sleeping in the living room." Everyone walked in and put their backpack a little ways down the wall from where we took off our shoes. "So what are we gonna do?" Alex asked, Ben hesitated and then said, with much certainty, "How about never-have-I-ever?" Everyone agreed, like usual. So we all sat down in a circle, in the living room floor, to play this incredibly premature game.

They all looked happy to be playing, so I decided I wouldn't say anything about the stupidity of this game. "Who wants to start?" Gerald asked. Nobody volunteered, no one really knew just how far we could go with the questions, so nobody wanted to go first. "How about oldest to youngest?" Teddy asked. "Why not, good a way as any." Ben replied. We sat there in silence for a good two minutes before realizing that we didn't all know each other's birthdays. Alex and Ben, Rowan and Teddy, and Rowan and Eugene were all close enough to share birthdays, but other than that, we were hopeless.

"I think i'm the oldest." Ben said, first to speak as always. "Nah, i'm definitely the oldest here." After ten minutes of struggling, we finally got the whole oldest-ordeal settled. The oldest one here was Teddy by ten days. Ben pretended to be hurt for a little bit, but eventually just wanted to play so he gave in. Teddy sat there for a little bit trying to think of a question. We all waited in silence, for what must have been at least three minutes, until he finally spoke. "Never have I ever had any animal as a pet, other than a cat." It took a second but everyone in the room put a finger down. Teddy smiled smugly, obviously happy that he had gotten everyone. We were going clockwise, so Alex was next. I feared his answer, you could tell by the look in his eyes, and the way his face lit up when it was his turn, that he had something planned. "Never have I ever  owned or driven a motorcycle."

I feared something like this, oh well. I slowly put a finger down. 

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