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Eugene's POV:

I wake up and squint my eyes in the darkness of my dimly lit room. Grabbing my phone from my nightstand I confirm one thing. Today is June 3rd, today is my birthday. I quickly dress myself in the school uniform and prepare to leave.

My mother is on a last minute business trip, she was incredibly angry that she was going to miss my birthday, so I walked the empty halls peacefully.

Nobody knows that today is my birthday, I decided against telling my friends since they had been busy with dealing with the Union and its new members. It wasn't an important thing anyway. As I locked the door, stepped outside, and looked at the sky I found myself feeling somewhat heavy, not weight-wise, just heavy.

I daydreamed all the way to school and then found myself at my desk. Alone.

Gray's first period was a free period today, and mine was a "work on something your bad at" period. I sighed while opening a textbook. The teacher wouldn't be in here directing us this period, so most of the other people in there were being obnoxious. I glanced at my writing textbook, and then past it, I wasn't bad at writing, I just get distracted. Even more so, when Gray isn't here to keep me on task. I guess I can't help but miss my friend.

I leaned back in my desk and suddenly lost all will to learn. But upon remembering one of Gray's lectures I stuck my hand in my desk for a pencil. However, my hand hit something else. I pulled it out at was surprised. 

It was a small rectangular box, that was black with a lid that came off, that was tied together by a piece of light-blue ribbon in the neatest, nicest, prettiest bow I had ever seen. There was no name tag on the box and no note. I hesitated, but decided to open it.

I slid the ribbon off and timidly opened the box, setting the lid aside, I examined the contents. Inside, there was a black fountain pen with a shiny silver cap, and on the side it said in cursive matching silver letters Eugene Gale.

I picked up the pen and it felt light it my hand. Looking back at the box I noticed a small folded piece of white paper that had been under the pen.

Hopefully this will help you work on your calligraphy.

I couldn't help but smile. And without any further information, I knew that this was a gift from Gray.

I carefully put the pen back into the box, then the box into my bag, and waited. Waiting till the bell rang to get up to go find Gray and the rest of the guys.
Perhaps, I thought, they're on the rooftop.

As I headed to the rooftop, I got an odd feeling, I couldn't define it. Though, as soon as I opened the door to the roof I knew what it was.

On the roof, the rest of the gang had set up a fold out table, and some chairs. On the table there was several different types of milk, coffee, and juice, one at each chair, and two decks of cards.

Ben smiled brightly, "Welcome to your party!"

"Happy birthday!" Alex piped in.

I was so confused, "But, how did you know?" The guys all pointed to Rowan who was sitting next to Teddy. Oh, of course, we've been friends for years, makes sense that he would tell them. I couldn't help but smile widely. 

As I took a seat next to Gray, Gerard started to shuffle one of the decks skillfully, causing Ben to feel the need to prove that he could do it better. (He could not.) Everyone laughed at Ben when he took the cards in one hand and they flew out and scattered on the table, even Gray smiled. While the rest of the gang was trying to decided who could shuffle the cards the absolute best. I turned to Gray, "Thanks for the pen, its very nice." I said.

He smiled, "Glad you like it."

Gray's smiles were rare, and just today he had smiled twice. I'm glad he's enjoying this "Party" too.

The rest of the period went by fast, and soon the bell rang. "Hey Eugene," Ben started "Wanna continue this after school?" I thought for just a moment before replying.

"Sorry, I have cram school today."

Everyone looked a bit disappointed, and to everyone's surprise the one who asked the question they were all thinking was Gray "Well can't you just like not?" I turned to him "You can miss a day for something important, if you miss something I can explain it to you better than your teacher can."

Everyone stood there in utter shock for a good moment. Gray ignored them. "Ok let's do it!" I said while making my way down to class, Gray next to me. 

Ben laughed, "You won't regret it!"

The rest of the day either flew by or felt as if it had drug on forever. Eventually the end of the day came and I got to see what the rest of the gang had in plan. Gray and I met Ben, Alex, and Gerard at the entrance to the school. We met Rowan and Teddy at the gate. "Alright, so where to?" Teddy asked.

Ben replied, "I had a great idea, follow me"

"I'm scared." Alex added. And Teddy and Gerard nodded in agreement, Ben's plans were not always the best.

They walked and took a bus, eventually making it to a skating rink. "Oh god." Gerard said, we were all thinking it, this was going to be a mess.

It took twenty minutes to get in and get rollerblades or skates. The twenty minutes before chaos. "Are y'all excited?" Ben asked with a overly-happy grin on his face.
"No-" Rowan answered.
"Great." He cut Rowan's pessimistic statement off there.

Gerard, Teddy, Rowan, and Alex were really bad at roller skating. Ben could stay on his feet and Gray was a pro. I was not good at roller skating, but instead of leaving me to suffer and die like everyone else, Gray explain the fundamentals and taught me how not to fall. I still fell occasionally, but not nearly as often as the four failures. One time I fell and it actually made Gray laugh, well, it was more of a giggle that was bubbly and light. 

This made me feel very proud. Because not only was I having a good time, but so was Gray.

 Eventually Ben had to help Alex so he didn't break anything, Gerard got the hang of it, I explained it to Rowan so he did too, and Gray went to aid Teddy who could not grasp the fundamentals of skating. Which was the funniest thing in the world. Because Teddy fell once, and tried to get back up and fell again, and again, so Gray literally had to offer Teddy his hand in order for him to get up. I think everyone but Gray and Teddy were laughing hard at how flustered Teddy got and how much he was blushing. Gray even had to grab his hand occasionally to keep him from falling. Which was also hilarious.

By the time it was dark out, we had just left the skating rink with fun stories and a few bruises here and there. When we all split up to go our different ways I felt different then I had this morning. I felt lighter and happier. Ah, what a fun day.



Me: *Writing a nice happy story*
Brain: What are you doing?
Me: *slowly hides paper*
Brain: Give it to me.
Me: *hands over story*
Brain: What is this? Ewwww.... nooooo. Make it sad.
Me: But all my other stories were sad.
Brain: Ok, and?
Me: But people don't want to read a million sad depressing stories.
Brain: Not my problem. Make it sad.
Me: But-
Me: ok

So yea, anyway thanks for reading, my previous story will continue.... um... at a later date. See y'all!!

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