Random Mini-Story 1

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So this story is getting longer than originally intended, I'm planning on finishing it soon. This is just a random story that I thought of, that I will post as a break before finishing my first shory story/fanfict. Enjoy.


*The gang is in the annex, hanging out together*

Alex: Lunch isnt for another hour! Im going to die!!

Rowan: Are you hungry or something?

Alex: *indistinguishable groans*

Ben: Yeah seems like he is.

Gray: *Picks up backpack and starts going through it*

Rowan and Eugene: Oh.... right.

Teddy: Oh right what?

Gray: *Pulls a bar, looks like a granola bar, out of bag.* *hands to Alex*

Alex: Umm..... thanks?

Gray: Your welcome.

Teddy: What is that?

Gray: *About to say something*

Rowan: It is the very thing that keeps me and Eugene alive after cram school.

*Visable confusion*

Eugene: After cram school me and Rowan are always super hungry, so Gray started bringing wafer bars in his bag, so we don't die.

Gerald: Oh, so it's a wafer bar.

Gray: Yes.

Alex: *Trying to open it, but falling miserably*

Ben: Do you want me to open it for you?

Alex: *Hands the bar to Ben*

Ben: *Struggles to open bar*

Eugene and Rowan: *shaking their heads*

Rowan: They're impossible to open.

Eugene: Yea we have to get Gray to open ours.

Ben: No, I can do it.

Ben: *Struggling*

Ben: *Struggling*

Ben: *Fails*

Ben: *Gives up and hands to Eugene*

Eugene: *Hands bar to Gray*

Gray: *Uses tear strip*

Ben: *Speechless*

Gray: *Hands the open bar to Alex*

Alex: How did you open that?!

Gray: I tore it where it said to tear it at.

Everyone but Gray: *Laughing*

Many minutes passed...

Ben: After much thought I have decided one thing for certain.

Alex: Don't think to hard, you'll hurt yourself.

Ben: *Ignores Alex's rudeness*

Ben: Gray is our mother.

Alex: Of all the stupid things you've said, this takes the cake.

Gerald: How did you even come up with that

Gray: *visible confusion*

Ben: You see it is quite simple, Gray carries snacks around for us, keeps us from doing stupid things, keeps us on task, keeps our grades from failing, reminds us to pay attention, and keeps us from dying. Therefore, he is our mother.

Everyone: *Speechless*

Rowan: Makes sense to me.

Alex: Yea I guess when you put it that way.

Ben: it does, right Gray?

Gray: Ok

Ben: Yay

Alex: If we are Gray's children, I guess we know who his favorite is...

Everyone but Gray, who is doing homework: *Looks at Eugene*

Eugene: Wait why?

Alex: You try not to bother him,

Rowan: You follow his instructions to the letter,

Teddy: You even joined a cram school because he requested that you did.

Eugene: *Trying to find words*

Gray: Yea, Eugene is my favorite child. *Uses a whatever tone*

Ben: Yea, we literally cannot compete with Eugene.

Teddy: So when you say WE are ALL Gray's children, does that include m-

Ben: Yes Teddy, you are also Gray's child.

Teddy: But aren't, no offense

Gray: None taken

Gerald: You havent even heard what he has to say yet.

Gray: I don't need to, I really don't think what he has to say will bother me.

Teddy: Ok, back on subject. 

Teddy: Aren't mothers supposed to be kind, and, once again no offense, warm people who sympathize.

Gray: Yea, I don't share sympathy.

Ben: Yes, but you are our mother, who just has different ways to show us affection.

Rowan: Special ways of showing affection

Gray: I didn't even realize y'all were keeping track of how I show affection.

Ben: Of course we do,

Alex: We're your children after all.

Teddy:  So, if Gray is our mom-

Ben: Correction, Since Gray is our mom.

Teddy: I'm sorry, Since Gray is our mom who's our dad

Everyone: *Looks at Gray*

Gray: *Thinks of Stephen* 😅

Gray: Y'all are adopted.

The Children: What?!

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