Childhood Pt 2

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Julia's POV:

Music filled the halls and gave life to the ever-so-boring house. It was the Summer before sixth grade and Mother was trying to find new ways to keep us busy and out of her space. These new ways included Korean, Japanese, and English lessons as well as violin and piano lessons. From the moment we stepped in the door after our last day of school our work began to pile up.

Gray and I grew up speaking Korean, so that class was similar to that of a grammar and spelling class. Making sure we used the correct word, adjective, or punctuation. It was a fairly easy class. Our Japanese and English classes however, were not that simple. We had private tutors for both, and practiced each with the tutor twice a week, and had a small paper to work on daily. Gray, with how smart he was, naturally excelled. Though, like in school, he never once gloated or bragged. He instead, offered a helping hand with what I was struggling with.

Piano lessons were also twice a week, and I hated them. I hated the feel of the keys, and being forced to press pedals and sit still. Gray didn't seem to be a fan of the piano either, though he put up with the teacher and did exactly what she asks. Never once acting out. One day I decided to ask him, since my brothers ways of tolerance and patience were mysterious to me, he simply replied, "I don't like the piano, I'm not going to play it when I get older, and I'm not going to own one. However, Mother chose to put us in this not because she expects us to do good, she's only making us do lessons so we don't bother her," when he talked I wouldn't usually understand, even so I loved listening to him talk, "She doesn't expect us to do well at all, so if we perform skillfully it will be the biggest 'I told you so' ever"

He always thought ahead, always looking at the big picture, armed with skills, knowledge, and logic. I admired him.

Violin lessons were expected to go as the piano lessons did. However, from the moment I picked up that bow, I knew I would never again wish to set it down. Gray seemed to feel the same. Together we played beautiful duos, duos for two violins. "Your notes sound angry Julia," the tutor said frustrated, "I told you to soften your touch." Apparently my notes were always frustrated, which is impossible since notes can't be mad. I didn't ever listen to the tutor when she told me to lighten up, I played from my heart and soul.

Gray seemed to be the opposite of me. "Your notes sound sad Gray," she said turning to him, "You need to sharpen your bow." Gray would always listen to her, though even when he sharpened his bow, his notes would bleed and cry. It didn't sound bad, to be honest it gave him more depth and made his songs sound more heartfelt, the tutor however, hated it. She said the violin was not made to be played with such remorse. Every time he simply answered with, "I cannot control the mannerisms of my notes."

That Summer we did absolutely everything with each other, from learning languages to instruments, watching movies to swinging at the park, everything. Mother still did not return to her job as a traveling salesmen, and Father never left his. He would leave for a "week" and return a month later, telling lies about how he got side tracked. Being a child, I had no idea why he was gone for so long, and to me it didn't matter. To Mother it seemed to mean the world, she would question him to point that he would just scream "Leave me alone woman!" 

By the time school came around, my brother and I were already very educated from the Summer. So school went by faster than the breeze.

As we walked home one rainy Wednesday, we passed the park. 

"Let's go swing Gray!" I said, my hand lifting up the edge of our black umbrella.

"It's raining."

"I know but a little rain never hurt anyone."

He stood there hesitating for only a moment before a smile crosses his face and he said. "Alright Julia, just for a moment. And don't get muddy." We raced to the swings and sat out there for twenty minutes before drying off under a picnic area with a roof overhead.

We came home, preparing an alibi of why we were late. Though as we walked to the house all we heard was yelling. As we grew closer we could tell it was Father and Mother. He was screaming at her and she was yelling between sobs. I couldn't tell what they were saying, all I heard was "Then leave!" coming from Mother, she repeated it over and over. Till, footsteps thundered to the front door, thrusting it open, Father shoved Gray aside, who had stepped in front of me right before the door had opened. He stormed to the car and drove off.

Mother remained on the floor of the living room. Crying uncontrollably, I didn't really feel bad, I didn't really feel anything. I didn't like this woman, nor did I hate her. Though I remained still, as soon as we stepped through the door Gray rushed to her side. I couldn't wrap my head around it. She was so rude to us, what happened to make Gray act like this.

A few days later we walked home from school, and were greeted by Mother at the front door. She pulled us into a hug, something she had never done. Then she started to apologize, for neglecting us, for not loving us, for being awful, and for separating us. The last one didn't make sense to me, though as I looked at Gray I saw horror in them. Mother finally let us through the threshold, where we saw things in boxes. Fathers things and my things. Mother whispered something to Gray.

Gray walked past Mother, and grabbed my hand and he tugged me to our room. "Julie," he said his voice shaking, "Your going to have to go with father now."

"But.. why.. Gray?!" I asked,

"Mother and Father have fallen out of love, and his ego couldn't bear to let mother keep everything. He picked you because you look most like him." His voice waved and he looked as if he was going to shatter.

"But.. Gray," I cried, "Who will read me stories, and watch movies with me, who will hug me and take me to the park, who will make sure my grades don't slip and keep me from getting sick?" I was crying more at this point, breaking down by the second. Suddenly, Gray pulled me into a hug, pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, and began to dry my tears.

"You will Julie," he answered


"Julie, you are stronger than you think, I know you are. I have been taking care of you and loving you all our lives, but now your going to have to do that yourself. It won't be forever, I promise I'll see you again, even if it's the last thing I do, I will." he said, now he was crying too.

"Pro..mise?" I asked.

"I promise Julie." he replied. Then he looked up and stopped hugging me, the look on his face said he had an idea. He ran to his side of the room, dodging the boxes of my stuff that crowded the way. He returned with a single book and a pen. Opening the book, on the very first page he wrote, "I love you Julie -Gray"

"Here," he said handing me the book, "I'm going to let you borrow this book, when I see you again you can return it." I smiled, I had the most thoughtful and smart brother in the world. "Thank you." I replied while drying my tears.

"Promise you'll return it?" he asked extending his arm for a pinkie-promise,

"Promise." I answered, smiling.

I loved him, his personality, his selflessness, his maturity, and the book of basic self defense he gave me, signed with an 'I Love You'


This got REALLY LONG. Sorry guys, so I'm trying to lay off updating like everyday, because I feel like I post too often and I don't want to be annoying😅. Hope y'all liked this, it took a bit, and the next chapter should be the last one for this stories. Have a wonderful day y'all.

Serious Question: Do y'all want me to answer to your comments, I see them, click on them, write a reply, realize I'm irritating, delete it, close my computer, and go to sleep. I kinda want to reply because I like know what y'all think about my fics, but I don't want to get on your nerves. Thank you for your time.

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