18. Don't let me go

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Today was hectic but fine; they had games, good talking, playing, and even dancing on the big platform. When they finished with all the acts, they reached home. Everyone was actively packing and checking their tickets. Jimin and JK had already left for their hometown at night. And others going to leave in the morning. JK evacuating today was a sudden plan though. The simple thing leads to some intense and serious matter. No one thought it will arise but after the whole thing, JK left with Jimin.

When they were filming, in the middle, when they had break time, JK took one photo of Jin without intimating him. It was the funny yet cute click. He was so proud of himself for his photography. He showed it to everyone, even to staff but not to Jin. He was laughing, smiling, blushing and showing to others. When Taehyung saw the photo even he liked the photo, it was too funny. What he did was he took a snap of this photo on his mobile from the JK's mobile screen. Then he watched and laughed. Something clicked in his mind, why not show this photo to ARMY?, they deserved it, He thought. He uploaded this photo on weveres with the caption '#My favourite photo of #my favourite Hyung' tagging Jin. When Jin saw he was shocked and embarrassed seeing this. Before doing anything he called Taehyung, "Tae?..Tae??...What is this...Awhh..this is too embarrassing. Why did you take my photo like this?" He whined dramatically.

Tae laughed and said no Hyung it is the best photo of yours.

Jin gave love on the photo but still sulking a lot, kept hitting Tae for uploading this photo.

When Jungkook realised he checked the phone, he saw Tae uploaded the photo which he owned, he screamed in frustration.

"Kim Taehyung???"

Everyone who was present there, was shocked hearing such voice.

Jungkook again yelled when he did not get any response from the latter.

"Kim Taehyung, How dare you?"

"Jungkook atleast use honorific, he is older than you" RM talked in between trying to remind younger about his age.

"I don't care, how dare he use my photo to upload on social platform, pretending it's his"

"Jungkook, I think it is not big deal" Tae replied trying to not show his anger.

"It is big deal" JK retorted with very big voice.

"JK?.. first of all, Don't scream. We are not at home to act like this. And second Yah you click that photo, but it was Jin Hyung's photo and I can use it, if Hyung doesn't mind" He said keeping his temper low as hard as he can try.

"No, you can not use it" JK told.

Jin was watching all this but was not sure what was happening actually to talk in between but he finally talked realizing this can lead to fight.

"JK?..can you calm down, we will talked about it later" Jin said finally.

"Hyung?" His voice now was little soft and quivered, "I...I clicked it, it was my photo, how..how can he use it, even without telling me"

Hearing JK's, his little baby's soft and upset voice, he held his hand, "It's okay, forgive him. Don't fight on this., I will tell him to delete it, Okay?" He tried to convinced

"No.. this photo must have been viral till now" He said keeping is head low., "and again Taehyung took the credit of this..like always..he does it intentionally, I know that" He gulped trying his best not to brust into tears.

"Taehyung, say sorry to him, and put Pic credit as Jungkook" He said and pressed his lips.

JK looked at Jin narrowing his eyes, "Hyung??.."

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