Chapter [51]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I gasp awake blinking in anger, scrambling to my feet ready to hunt down Hayley and Jackson.

Turning on my foot I furrow my eyebrows seeing Nik laying on the floor beside me, Dahlia stood next to us.

"Where am I?" I question taking in my surroundings, realising I'm in a village near a forest.

Nik jumps awake standing up, "Danielle?"

Dahlia smirks, "And thus, Niklaus and Danielle, you find yourself here with me."

We sigh, "Dahlia."

"What have you done to me? To Danielle?" Nik asks referring to his wound, "Where is our daughter?"

He rushes forward lunging for her, but to my surprise she vanishes, reappearing beside me.

Nik growls, "Get out of my head!"

Dahlia smirks, "I'm not in your head. You and Danielle are in mine."

She gestures to Nik, "And, seeing as you lie daggered by your own beloved brother," She turns to me, "And how your sister snapped your neck leaving you vulnerable to my magic, you both have no choice but to listen."

Dahlia smiles, "I have a proposition for you! Come along."

I reach for Nik's hand clutching it tightly following Dahlia further into the village, walking for a mile.

"Spare me the agonizing boredom and explain what it is you want," Nik mutters in frustration.


I continue to look around, the realisation that we're not just in Dahlia's head but her memories too. 10th century, long before Nik and his siblings were born.

"I have no use for demented dreamscapes."

"Niklaus, listen."

I listen to the sound of Vikings attacking the village brutally killing and attacking locals. A young Esther and Dahlia scream running away hiding from carnage.

Young Esther, "The Vikings came while you were in the garden!"

People drop dead around the two young women.

Young Esther, "I'm scared, Dahlia."

Young Dahlia cups her sisters face, "Don't be. I will protect us, Esther. Come what may, we must stick together, always and forever. Promise?"

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now