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Author's pov
Daisy was surprised to see her Mom back. She didn't saw her for months. Daisy was sad deep down in her heart but she refused to show it to her Mom. But every Mom knows what her daughter/son feels even if they try to hide it. So Daisy's mom got to know that Daisy was sad and she has been crying all day!

Daisy's Mom: What happened baby? Why were you crying all day and eating ice cream?

Daisy: Nothi-ng Mom! I j-just wanted to eat ice cre-am. And I was watching K-drama so in that my fav-ouri-te c-charac-ter die-d so that's why I c-cried..

Mom: Oh! So what was the character's name?

Daisy:*in mind* Oh sh*t! What do I do now? I'll just tell her! *in a scared tone* M-mom I l-l-lied. I proposed my crush Jungkook today and he rejected me. But he also bodyshamed me infront of his friends and compared me with another girls.(She said that in one breath)

Mom: It's ok honey! You didn't deserved him! Just leave this! I came here to tell you all something but I think that I should tell that to you only.

Daisy: What is it Mom?

Mom: We'll sit and talk it's important!(They went to the couch and sat there)

Mom: So,listen carefully and don't get scared! You all wanted to know right that what I work as? So I am a MAFIA QUEEN! I sell drugs but few times only. But mostly I give money to the people who needs that to start their own business and all. But I make deal with them that when their business will take off they have to pay me back. But if they don't even if they have money,I kill them!Come in!(she instructed someone)

(Few people with guns came in and one of them had a box with her. Mom took the box and told me to open it! I was scared but I opened it and I saw a beautiful crown in it. Mom took the crown and she put it in my head and it perfectly fitted in my head. Everyone was shock because they believed that when the crown fits someone perfectly then that girl was the real MAFIA QUEEN!They bowed down before me. I was kinda shock by their behavior so I instructed them to get up and then my Mom said something that made me hella shock!)

Mom: She is the real MAFIA QUEEN 👸! *in a loud voice*So everyone from now on will listen whatever she orders you to do! Ok?

Everyone: Ok!

Mom: You can go now! And Rutuja, did you brought the flight tickets?

Rutuja: Yes mam! Here(She handed the tickets to Daisy's mom)

Mom: Good! Now everyone can leave!(all of them left)

Daisy: What the heck Mom? Me? The MAFIA QUEEN? Seriously? You know na that I want to live here!

Mom: I know baby. But will you move on if you live here? What if that Jungkook married someone else? Will you be able to move on? (You stayed silent) see you didn't said anything means you truly loved him! So, I am old now and I can die anytime soon. So please accept the crown and continue my work that is to help people to make themselves independent! For me? Pls?

Daisy: Ok Mom! Just don't say please!
(They hugged each other)

Mom: Now come fast! We have to pack your bags! You have to go today to USA! My people are there they all will help you in everything. Their name is Ariana, Chaitali, Jennie, Monu and Yash! They all are your age only! So you can be free with them!

Daisy: Ok Mom.

(They packed the bags and then they had dinner with their family and after all of them had slept they sneaked out.)

(Daisy went inside the car and her mom put all her luggage in the backseat)

Daisy: I'll miss you Mom! I love you!(I hugged her tightly)

Mom: I'll miss you too and I love you so much honey! Call me when you reach USA!

Daisy: Ok Mom! Byee

(Daisy left from there and went to the airport. But she was crying the whole ride that she can't see her bff's and her sister! But she had no choice now. She reached USA and there all five of them which Mom said that they'll teach her everything where there. So she introduced herself coldly and they took her to her own mansion! She called and informed her mom that she reached USA safely. And when she was unpacking her luggage she sawed that her had kept her favourite toy which she carried since 1. She cried seeing that toy. And beside that toy there was the crown and she wored that crown and then she said..)

Daisy: I'll help people from now on Mom! I'll not let you down!

*Flashback ends*

Author's pov
Daisy remembered all of this things and cried hard in her room. She missed her mom alot and she didn't called her since the day she reached USA!

When a MAFIA QUEEN meets her crush who rejected her harshly 6 yrs ago.Where stories live. Discover now