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Author's pov
As Daisy and Ritesh were busy cursing jungkook, jungkook and Sarah started to make out in the middle of the house as everyone were cheering them and taking videos!📹 Seeing this Daisy was so angry at Sarah! If she get a gun now she will literally kill her on the spot!!

Daisy: Wtf!! How dare she do this! I'm gonna kill her!!
(Daisy was about to go to Sarah but Anamika stopped her)

Anamika: Not now girl! It's sanika's birthday we can't do anything now! Let's talk to her tomorrow in college! Now we have to take care of Ritesh...

Daisy: Ok! I'll not leave that b*tch this easily! Ritesh? Let's go from here!

Ritesh: (he was sobbing silently😭) Why? Why? Why did she do this with me?? Am I ugly? I really loved her daisy! I never thought she would do this with me!😭😭😭

Daisy: (hearing this she was broke inside) Ritesh calm down! She doesn't deserve you! She will regret cheating on you! Now come let's go from here!

Ritesh: Ok(sobbing silently)

(They wished sanika and left from there)

Author's pov
Daisy and Anamika dropped Ritesh at his home and went to their own houses!

Next day
Daisy decided to go in a limo today with Anamika! She never thought to take a limo to college! She picked Ritesh too on her way to college! They reached the college! She parked her car and they went to their usual place where they enjoy!

Anamika: Ritesh?

Ritesh: Yes?

Anamika: Go now! And break up with her and ask her why she did this!

Ritesh: Ok:( but I don't wanna go alone you two come with me!

Anamika: Ok! (I hope daisy don't do anything to sarah)

Daisy: Let's go (I hope I control my anger in front of that b*tch)

Ritesh: Sarah! I wanna talk to you in personal!

Sarah: What loser? Do you think I'll come with you? No way!

Ritesh: Pls,it's important!

Sarah: No!

Daisy: ( I glared at her) he said it's important! Come now! Otherwise....(I said coldly and in deep voice)

Sarah: (She looks scary when she is angry it's better I have a talk with ritesh) Ok fine! I'll come in 2 mins baby!

Jungkook: Ok! Don't be late!

(They left from to a corner)
Ritesh: We are over! But why did you did this to me?

Sarah: Ofc we are over! You are such a loser! You thought I loved you? No! I just wanted to be famous that's why I was with you! But now I am famous so I don't need you! And jungkook is hot and guess what he is a newbie in this college!

Daisy: How dare you!!! I'm not gonna leave you!(I was about to beat the sh!t out of her but someone hold me back and it was none other than Ritesh!)

Ritesh: Leave her!
(Sarah left from there to save her life)

Daisy: Why did you hold me back?

Ritesh: Because I and Sarah are over now so there is no need to create a mess now! And what will happen if you beat her? The things that happened yesterday is not gonna change! So leave her!

Daisy:(I feel so sorry for my bestie!) Ok! But I'll promise that from now on I'll not let anyone hurt you!

Ritesh: hmm...

(Daisy hugged Ritesh because she felt so sorry for him)

Author's pov
Daisy was so angry at sarah but she can't do anything! She decided to leave Sarah...

Anamika: Now let's go to our class only 5 mins are left!

Ritesh: Ok let's go!

Author's pov
They attended all their lectures and left the college. From that day when daisy was free she spend that time with Ritesh! She tries to comfort him! Day by day Ritesh started recovering from his breakup! And he also started to have feelings for Daisy! Seeing the care that daisy took of him,he always wanted to be with her. Whenever he was alone he stared at the photos of Daisy and him! He decided to tell Anamika all of this in their favorite Cafe!

Anamika: Hello Ritesh!

Ritesh: Hii! Thank God you came!

Anamika: But why did you called me?

Ritesh: I want to tell you something..

Anamika: Ohk! What happened?

Ritesh: I have a crush on someone!

Anamika: Omg!!Thank God you moved on! Who is that girl? Do I know her??What is her name?

Ritesh: Wait!✋ I'll tell you everything!

Anamika: Ok!😅

Ritesh: Yes,you know her! I have a crush on Daisy!

Anamika: Wait,what?? Daisy??? Oh my my! You know right she just see you as a BFF!

Ritesh: I know! But when she took care of me I started to have feelings for her!

Anamika: So what are you gonna do now?

Ritesh: I'm gonna propose her!

Anamika: Ok as you wish! But don't hope too much! Ok? If she says no so promise me you'll move on! Promise?

Ritesh: Ok! Promise! If she rejects me I'll move on and I'll always be her bestie!

Anamika: Ok! When are you gonna propose her?

Ritesh: Idk! Maybe this weekend...

Anamika: Hmm..k! Now I have to go it's already late! See you at college tomorrow! Bye

Ritesh: Yeah ok! Bye!

Author's pov
They left the Cafe! Day by day Anamika noticed that Ritesh really had feelings for Daisy! But she also noticed that daisy was hiding something from them.... She decided to ask it on the day when Ritesh was gonna propose her!

When a MAFIA QUEEN meets her crush who rejected her harshly 6 yrs ago.Where stories live. Discover now