rewrite the stars

Start from the beginning

"crab orange? that's awfully specific."he says. i wonder if he's just trying to make conversation, i'm sure i was clear that it was crab orange. same as deviants, yes. he nods, smile faltering. sprite looks up at me, looking confused as the pen remains pressed into the paper and creating a large ink spot. "um, okay. so when you see the colors, is it in front of your eyes? or does it go away when you close them?"they ask.

depends on the sound. it never goes away, but sometimes it surrounds me. other times, it's just spots. i sign.

"so druigs voice-"she pauses, watching as my face flushes at the sound of his name. i'm so far gone that i wonder if anything could ever make me stop loving him. "what color is it?"she asks. i can see out of the corner of my eye, ikaris moving in what looks to be discomfort, jaw clenched as he rolls his shoulders like he has the chills.

gold rings, blue, black, a little white. it's like it surrounds me, less like a layer in front of my eyes. like a galaxy,it's beautiful, actually.

something flashes across sprites face, a moment of weakness in which she can no longer hold the face that she's been wearing, glancing at ikaris for a half of a second. "okay, and your powers? the sound it makes, like the jeeejooooppppskkkkkk sound."she says, orange laugh leaking into my eyes.

"jeeejooopskkk?"ikaris repeats. "i agree, mine makes noise too! like the pssshh."kingo says, leaning into the doorway. "shut up, guys. the color?"sprite asks. "oh sorry, do you find my behavior distracting?"kingo asks. "oh, when pigs fly."sprite replies. "i'm sure brelione could help with that."ikaris says, turning back to look at me, a smile plastered on his face.

not yet, i can't invent animals yet.

he nods, grin remaining. "obviously, how could i be so silly."he replies. "you can only control like, the entire planet."he continues. "and i'm sure kingo would love some ducks following him around."kingo puts his arms up, shaking his head quickly. "no, absolutely not."he replies.

unknown to brelione, druig and makkari stand at the outside of the domo, picking fruits from the garden as an excuse to be away from the others, in need of conversation. "she speaks highly of me?"he asks. it still hasn't fully settled in yet, that brelione fully returns his feelings. something that he believed to be impossible, though he's still sure that he loves her far more than she does him. makkari, for the eighth time, nods at the question.

the look on her face when she explained the dream, she loved it. and i want more cameos, i wrote that one.

he chuckles, nodding as he pulls out his small notebook. a notebook of dream ideas, holding the pencil against the paper as he waits for an idea to come to mind. he could reuse ideas, yes, but that takes away a great amount of excitement. but then, then it comes to him. a dream, a good one, one in which there are no deviants, no being confined to the domo. though the concept itself is not entirely original, it opens so many worlds.

the building of a house together, raising a raccoon as his dear brelione has always wanted, or a dream in which they are in their beloved latibule. the original one, with hammocks and poems. one in which she gets to watch her sculpture being made, to understand just how much of his heart belongs to her. "i love brelione."he mutters, writing down the idea as makkari watches the words form along the page.

everyone loves brelione, including ikaris.

druig, he wishes he could be shocked. to be flabbergasted by this news. but it was clear as day to him, to anyone, to every animal that walks the earth. but to have makkari tell him, to know that she had asked ikaris herself, that hit him. not because he fears that brelione will love ikaris one day, that would he completely out of character for her. that would be the day that the world ended. but what hit him, was the fact that ikaris could be so in love as him. that he could see brelione in such a way, to feel his hands shake when she approaches, to lose every single thought whenever she looks at him. it disturbs him, so much that his skin becomes itchy. "you know, when i laid my eyes upon her for the very first time, i was in utter disbelief."he says, signing along with his words as he smiles. it would be a perfect dream, them meeting all over again for the first time. ikaris nothing but a memory in the back of her head.

meeting makkari for the first time, how excited they both were to communicate with one another, how well they worked together. the very moment that told everyone that they would be bestfriends, partners in crime for the rest of their existence. and for druig, the moment he learned the difference between pretty and gorgeous.

when he finally learned what it meant to be in love at first sight. because on every planet, such things as fairytales and love stories exist. ones that he thought were absolute bogus. a realization crawls into his mind, sinking in as he realizes that may have been the same day that ikaris learned what yearning was.

how it felt to be so close yet so far. and for the first time in a while, druig feels sorry for the eternal that was always destined to be his enemy. and he knows makkari sees it too, holding back the other information she has on the matter, letting it dissolve as they map out another dream, makkari going as far as to swipe the notebook and pen to give herself exact lines for the dream.

if we are redoing our meeting, we are doing it right.

it's a chore, to rewrite the first day without the deviants, without the presence of death in the background. it's so difficult that it may as well be equivalent to attempting to rewrite the stars. together, they decide that it should be night, the sky should be bright with stars, the waves should glow like brel's magic flowers. and there must be crystals on this beach. crystals everywhere, and waves light and soft as to not cause too much cloudy vision.

makarri is sure that that is one of the reasons that she and lione grew so close together so quickly. because when brelione is with makarri in her room, that is the only time she gets true peace. to have the short moment where all she sees is her friend and her room.

and once the dream has been painted perfectly, the basket nearly overflowing with fruit, they re-enter the domo, seeing ajak sitting at the table despite the others being away, having left and other gone to their rooms. she looks calm as always, though the pair isn't so dumb as to fall for it, the way she is sitting gives it away. they've been caught.

hope you liked tonight's chapter!! also, please be aware that your hearts will get broken soon. this is your warning. but for now they'll be fine!!! xoxo-H.

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