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(art is not mine)

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n, move over." I sighed softly, rolling over and gently opening my eyes. It was still dark but I could see Hawks body hovering over me. His massive wings swallowing his shadow, he looked kind of terrifying. Like if I woke up to just that image I'd be scared shitless. I scooted over slightly, pulling the comforter up for him. He paused for a moment and pulled his shirt off, making my eyes widened slightly every time he did it because of how effortless it seemed. He got into bed beside me and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me onto his warm chest. I nuzzled my head under his chin, still half asleep. As my eyes focused on his body I realized he had small burn marks on parts of his arms. I sat up slightly, bumping his chin with my head, "Shit." He mumbled under his breath, surprised by the random hit. "Sorry." I said quietly, looking at his face more closely now under the dim light of his room.

His lip was cut open and some black burn marks covered his face too. I traced the areas with my fingers tenderly. Hawks eyes watched me attentively, wincing ever so slightly when my finger traced the bruise near his eye.

I could tell he saw the slight concern in my eyes because he talked quietly, "Night duty." He shrugged.

"I know." I whispered back, laying my head back down on his chest, "You guys just get so beat up." I felt Hawks move slightly, but he didn't say anything. His body went from relaxed to tense. I turned to look at him, his face was slightly twisted.

"What?" my voice was still soft.
"You guys" He mocked, rolling his eyes.
"I mean, it's true?" I replied confused by his sudden hostility, he scoffed, moving away from me.

"What is your problem?" I sat up, looking at him.
"It's just annoying." He laughed, throwing his hands up slightly. I stared at him, prolonging the silence, "Okay?"

He let out a pitiful laugh and stood up from the bed, "I'm showering." He avoided even looking at me.

I glared at him, "Can you just say what's on your mind instead of acting like a toddler?" He scoffed louder this time, "You're one to talk." He said in a low voice, throwing his pants across the room near his laundry bin. "What is your deal?" I said loudly, scooting to the edge of the bed.

Hawks moved around his room irritated for a moment before moving towards the bathroom door, grabbing the sides of the door with his hands, "It's just annoying how often you have to remind me you dated Aizawa. Like, I get it, you were his little fuck toy congrats." He walked away from me, *slightly* slamming the bathroom door. I let out an angered sigh, contemplating yelling after him.

I sat for a moment, composing myself before walking to the bathroom door. When I went to turn the door handle I realized he had locked it which made me uncompose myself. "Hawks, are you kidding?" I said against the door, wiggling the handle. I heard Hawks whistling, then the shower turned on. I rolled my eyes, wiggling the handle again, "Hawks, can you open the fucking door?" *Continued whistling* I let out an annoyed laugh, "Okay you win! I'll leave." I turned away from the door, searching for my clothing that were scattered across the floor.

As I angrily pick up my clothing I heard the quiet, click.

Hawks unlocking the door. I stormed over to the door, opening it obnoxiously dramatic. "Are you kidding?" I stared at him, who was standing with his hands behind his head, towel around his waist, whistling and tapping his foot. He smirked at me. I scoffed, "A fuck toy" I said in air quotes, "Thats all I am to you?!" I yelled slightly, throwing his sweats at him. He let out a soft laugh in response, which absolutely made me feral, "You're such a child."

"You don't mean that." He hummed in a singsongy voice. His angered tone already nowhere to be found. Unfortunately now I was pissed, and he was his happy go lucky cocky self. "I can just go if you hate my accidental worried thoughts about you at 4am when you're clearly beat up from night duty and I'm tired and not fully awake??!"

He smirked his deadly cocky grin, "If that's what you want, baby." Anger simmered out of my eyes, "Clearly that's what you want, Hawks."

He cocked his head, "Is it?" He moved closer to me, I rolled my eyes at him, "I don't know what the hell you want Hawks." I said flatly, defeated by this conversation. His smirk grew as he pushed my body against the wall, one of his hands grabbing my
thigh and pulling it up to his body, "You're not a fuck toy baby. I'm sorry." His other hand found my chin and pulled my face to his, "But I think you know what I want, Y/n." He squeezed my thigh hard, making a gasp escape from my lips. He smirked, looking deep into my eyes. I bit my lip, fighting the urge to give in, "No." I said quietly, "I don't." Before I could even finish the word "dont" Hawks had smacked my thigh hard, gripping it tighter than he had before, a yell left my mouth, followed by a small sigh. Hawks face moved closer to my face, his forehead resting against mine. "You." He said tightly as he pushed against my body, "Know." His other hand slid down my body, between my legs, onto my crotch, "What." He rubbed against my panties, "I." I let out a soft moan, "Want."

He kissed me hard, pulling away to look into my eyes. I shook my head no ever so slightly, "Tell me." I said softly as he continued to rub against my panties which were becoming wet. Hawks laughed into my ear, his breath against my jaw, he bit against my earlobe, then hard onto my neck. I let out a gasp, grabbing his hair as he bit down my neck and onto my collarbone. His mouth moved down my body just like his hand had. As he moved down my chest and stomach he left tender, soft, love bites. Beginning to turn them into kisses as he reached my crotch. The hand that had ben rubbing my panties moved up and pushed me against the wall ever so slightly. Hawks mouth found my panties, pulling them off with his teeth.

He moved between my legs, placing his mouth directly at the base of my wetness, he looked up at me, his eyes full of desire. Even though he was in the most submissive position I still found myself ready to do anything he could ask of me. His classic smirk appeared on his face before he spoke softly, "I fucking want you, Y/n." He whispered before sliding his tongue against my clit.

The Darker Side (Shouta Aizawa x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now